Reset Login Password

If you forgot login password, follow instructions in the topic to reset login password.


  1. Launch your web browser, visit Yeastar Partner Portal.
  2. On the login page, click Forgot Password.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter your Yeastar ID and a verification code to verify your operation, then click Send Password Reset Email.


An email with a password reset link is sent to your mailbox.
Note: The password reset link is valid for 1 hour, and can be used only ONCE.

What to do next

  1. In the password reset email, click the password reset link.

    You are redirected to the password reset page of Yeastar Partner Portal.

  2. Enter a new password twice, then click Save.

    You can use the new password to log in to Yeastar Partner Portal and Yeastar Central Management.