Purchase Plan for P-Series Appliance Edition

Yeastar P-Series Appliance Edition offers three subscription plans - Standard Plan, Enterprise Plan, and Ultimate Plan, and two value-added services - Hotel PMS Integration and Hotel Module. You can purchase plan or service for customers' PBX appliances on Yeastar Partner Portal.

Step 1. Go to product purchase page

  1. Log in to Yeastar Partner Portal, go to Products & Purchase.
  2. On the product list, click Purchase on P-Series Plan for Appliance Edition.

    A side panel slides in from the right of the page.

  3. In the Start by Entering the SN search box, enter Serial Number (SN) of the desired PBX appliance, then click Search.

    The PBX appliance's information and the supported subscription plans / service are displayed on the page.

Step 2. Select plan / service and billing cycle

  1. On the right side of the panel, click Annually or Monthly.

    • For Annual Subscription, a billing cycle of 1 to 5 years is supported.
    • For Monthly Subscription, only 1-month billing cycle is supported.
  2. Under Plan tab or Service tab, click Subscribe of the desired plan or service.

    • Standard Plan is supported on PBX appliance with version or later.
    • Hotel PMS Integration service is supported on PBX appliance with version or later.
    • Hotel Module service is supported on PBX appliance with version or later.
  3. On the top-left details section, check the subscription term and expiration date of the selected plan / service.
    Note: If you subscribe to plan and choose Annual Subscription, you must select a billing cycle. The default value is 1 year and the supported value is 1 to 5 years.

(Optional) Step 3. Assign the product to another Yeastar ID

This step allows you to grant another user access to view the subscription details within the Partner Portal (Path: Products & Purchase > P-Series Plan for Appliance Edition).

Note: If you prefer to retain access only for yourself, please skip this step.
  1. Select an existing user from the drop-down list.

  2. If desired user doesn’t exist, you can click Add Partner to create a new Partner Portal account for the user.
    Important: Clicking Add Partner will create a new Partner Portal account, and an activation email will be sent to the assigned email address. If you DO NOT want your customer to receive this email, DO NOT click add partner here.
  3. On the right Order Summary section, click Checkout.

Step 4. Review the order and check out

  1. On the left details section, review the subscription information.

  2. On the left Billing Information section, review and edit the billing information as needed.
    • The billing information will be displayed on an invoice, which will be generated and sent to the selected billing contact's email address after you complete payment.
    • By default, your information is automatically filled in. You can change to another billing contact, either by selecting an existing one from the drop-down list, or by clicking Add New to add a contact. The billing contacts are synchronized with the ones that you have set on Billing Receiver.

  3. On the right Checkout section, choose either of the following ways to check out.
    Pay by PayPal
    1. In the Payment Method section, click PayPal.
    2. Optional: For Annual Subscription, you can select or unselect the checkbox of Auto Renew to enable or disable the automatic renewal.
    3. Click PayPal and log in to your PayPal account to complete payment.
    Pay by debit card or credit card
    1. In the Payment Method section, click Debit or Credit Card.
    2. Optional: For Annual Subscription, you can select or unselect the checkbox of Auto Renew to enable or disable the automatic renewal.
    3. Click Debit or Credit Card and enter the information required to complete payment.
    Pay offline
    1. In the Payment Method section, click Offline.
    2. Optional: In the PI Number field, enter the PI number that is provided by Yeastar Sales.
    3. Click Place Order.

      After you submit the order, your account manager or local distributor will contact you actively for the payment.


After you complete payment, the followings are achieved:
  • The plan / service takes effect on the specified PBX appliance immediately.
  • The billing contact receives an email containing the order summary and an invoice. He or she can click on the attached link to view or download the invoice.
    • The attached link is valid in 24 hours and can be used ONCE only.
    • You can also view the invoice on Yeastar Partner Portal: Orders and Billing > Orders > .

What to do next

Set up the phone system to be accessible to the features supported in the subscription plan or subscription service by following the instructions in the links below: