Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition

Release date: December 10, 2024

Improvements and bug fixes

Client Permission
Added an option Selected extensions and groups (departments) for extension visibility (Path: Extension and Trunk > Client Permission > Extension Visibility), which allows you to quickly select the same member for both subject (the viewer) and object (the viewed) in one click.

Auto Provisioning
Added support for auto provisioning the following NEC phones:
  • DT700 ITL-2E-1P, DT700 ITL-6DE-1P, DT700 ITL-12D-1P, DT700 ITL-24D-1P, DT700 ITL-8LD-1P, DT700 ITL-8LDE-1P, DT700 ITL-12DG-3P, DT700 ITL-12CG-3P
  • DT820 ITY-6D-1P, DT820 ITY-8LDX-1P, DT820 ITY-8LCGX-1P, DT820 ITY-6DG-1P, DT820 ITY-32LDG-1P, DT820 ITY-32LCG-1P
  • DT900 ITK-6D-1P, DT900 ITK-12D-1P, DT900 ITK-8LCX-1P, DT900 ITK-8TCGX-1P, DT900 ITK-6DG-1P, DT900 ITK-12DG-1P, DT900 ITK-32LCG-1P, DT900 ITK-32TCG-1P, DT900S ITK-6DGS-1P, DT900S ITK-32LCGS-1P, DT900S ITK-32TCGS-1P

For details about the firmware requirements, see Auto Provisioning - Supported Devices.

Business Hours and Holidays
Added an option By Weekday (E.g. the 1st Monday of the Month) for holidays, which allows you to specify the month, the week of the month, and the specific weekday, ideal for holidays that fall on a particular day of a particular week of a particular month.
Feature Code
  • Added a configuration item Query my extension number (Path: Call Features > Feature Code > Query my extension number), which allows you to dial a feature code to query the extension number registered on the current phone.

    For more information, see Query my extension number.

  • Optimized Call Monitoring feature: When an authorized user dials the whisper or barge-in feature code to monitor an extension's current call, a recording file for the authorized user will be generated after the call ends, as long as call recording is enabled for his or her extension.
Added a configuration item Masked Number (Path: PBX Settings > Preferences > Masked Number), which allows you to specify the call scenario where number displayed in the call window and the associated call log will be masked.

For more information, see Masked Number.

  • Optimized API interfaces for the following features.
    Feature Details
    Optimized Queue Optimized the queue/agent_status, queue/agent_login, queue/agent_pause, agent/login, and agent/pause interfaces: Added parameters max_threshold_for_pause_time and max_threshold_for_logout_time, which allows you to specify the amount of time in seconds that dynamic agent(s) will pause service or log out from queue.
    Optimized CDR Optimized the cdr/list and cdr/search interfaces: Added a response parameter call_id, which indicates the unique ID of a call.
    Optimized Call Transfer Optimized the call/transfer interface: When inviting a third-party to join a call using the interface, CDRs and call recordings for the call between transferor and transfer recipient, and the three-way conference will be generated after the call ends.
    Optimized Event Optimized the (30012)New CDR event: Added a response parameter uid, which indicates the unique ID of a CDR.

    For more information, see API Interfaces & Events Summary.

  • Fixed the call/dial issue: When using the call/dial interface to call an external number containing *, the callee information on Operator Panel would display as unknown.
Linkus Web Client
  • Optimized user experience in Extensions page: Extension users can sort extensions in ascending or descending order by extension number or extension name.

  • Optimized user experience in Contacts page: Extension users can sort contacts in ascending or descending order by contact name.

  • Optimized user experience in Boss Secretary: When incoming calls to the boss extension are forwarded to the secretary extension, the secretary can see the boss's name in the call window.

  • Fixed the issue of presence synchronization: If the computer on which Linkus Web Client was logged in went to sleep mode and the extension's presence status was changed on another Linkus client, the change was not synchronized to the presence status on the Web Client toolbar.
'Yeastar Linkus for Google' Chrome extension
Optimized user experience in Boss Secretary: When incoming calls to the boss extension are forwarded to the secretary extension, the secretary can see the boss's name in the call window.
Fixed the prompt uploading issue: If the prompt filename contained ., the prompt file couldn't be uploaded.
Fixed the configuration saving issue: After enabling advanced setting in IVR, the configuration couldn't be saved.
Fixed the call issue: Inbound calls couldn't be routed to queue agents, even though there were available agents.
Fixed the CDR and recording file issue: After a call ended, there was no CDR and recording file generated.