Manage Dashboard Widgets

Widgets displayed on Dashboard are customizable. This topic describes how to add, resize, lock, delete, and reset a widget.

Add a widget

  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, click Dashboard.
  2. At the top-left corner, click Edit.

  3. Click Add to add a desired widget.

  4. In the pop-up window, do as follows:
    1. In the Type drop-down list, select one or more types.

    2. Click on any blank space to confirm.
    3. Click Confirm.
  5. Click Save.

Resize a widget

  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, click Dashboard.
  2. At the top-left corner, click Edit.

  3. Hover your mouse over the bottom-right corner of a desired widget.

  4. Hold the widget and then drag the border to resize it.
  5. Click Save.

Move and lock a widget on a fixed position

  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, click Dashboard.
  2. At the top-left corner, click Edit.

  3. Hold and drag a desired widget to a desired position.
  4. Click on the widget.

  5. Click Save.

Delete a widget

  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, click Dashboard.
  2. At the top-left corner, click Edit.

  3. Click on a desired widget.

  4. Click Save.

Reset widgets

Reset widgets to default settings and discard changes you have made.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, click Dashboard.
  2. At the top-left corner, click Edit.

  3. Click Reset and Save.