Configure Two-factor Authentication using Email

This topic describes how to configure two-factor authentication using email.


  1. Log in to Yeastar Central Management, click your account at the top-right corner, then go to Change Password&Security > Security.
  2. Select the checkbox of Two-factor Authentication.
  3. In the pop-up Password window, enter your account password and click Confirm to verify your operation.
  4. Select Authenticated by Email, and complete the following settings:

    1. Click Send.
      An email containing a 6-digit authentication code is sent to the email address that you use to log in to your account.
      Note: The code expires 5 minutes after the email is sent.
    2. In the Authentication Code field, enter the code.

    3. Click Confirm.


  • The webpage prompts a message "Operation succeeded.", which means that you have successfully set up two-factor authentication.
  • Next time you log in to Yeastar Central Management, you need to enter an authentication code additionally.

Troubleshooting: What if my colleagues or subordinate users fail to log in with two-factor authentication?

You can disable the two-factor authentication for their accounts, so that they can directly log in with their username and password.