View Outbound Campaign Details on Wallboard

Yeastar Outbound Call Center provides a campaign wallboard for queue managers on Linkus Web Client and Desktop Client to see statistics and other details of a specific active outbound campaign.


  • PBX Server: Version or later
  • Linkus Desktop Client: Version 1.10.2 or later


  • You are a queue manager of one or multiple outbound queues.
  • You have the permission to access Linkus Web Client or Desktop Client.


  1. Log in to Linkus Web Client or Desktop Client, go to Outbound Call Center > Campaign Wallboard.
  2. At the top-left corner of the wallboard, select the campaign the you want to check.

  3. Check the campaign details as needed.
    Campaign overview
    Provides the basic information of the campaign.
    Widget Description
    Status The current status of the campaign.
    • : To be improved. The contacts list is empty and needs to be completed.
    • : To be Started. The campaign will start at a scheduled time.
    • : In Progress. The campaign is in progress.
    • : Paused. The campaign is paused.
    Campaign Time The start and end time of the campaign.
    Dialer Mode The type of dialer used in the campaign.
    Ongoing Calls The number of calls that are still in progress or not yet completed.
    Scheduled Callbacks The number of callbacks scheduled by agents.
    Key Metrics
    Provides an overview of key metrics that are essential for evaluating campaign performance.
    Metric Description
    Connect Rate The rate at which calls are successfully connected to the contacts, which reflects the validity of the phone numbers.

    Formula: Number of calls the contacts has answered / Total number of calls dialed

    Real Abandon Rate

    The rate at which contacts abandon the call before being answered by an agent.

    Formula: Number of call abandoned by contacts / Total Number of calls routed to the queue

    Complete Rate The rate at which calls are successfully completed, which reflects the completing efficiency of the campaign.

    Formula: Number of dialed contacts / Total number of contacts

    Call logs

    Displays the list of contacts to be dialed as well as the real-time records and details of campaign calls, categorized by the following statuses.

    Status Description
    Waiting to Dial The list of contacts waiting to be dialed.
    Ringing The calls that are in ringing status.
    Talking The calls that are currently in progress.
    Already Dialed Calls that have been dialed, either succeeded or not.
    Note: You can click beside the call log to check the call details.
    Scheduled Callback The callbacks requested by agents in the campaign.
    Outbound Call Result Statistics
    Provides statistics on the outbound campaign calls, including dial results and call dispositions, to give insight into the effectiveness of the campaign.
    Item Description
    Dial Result The dialing outcomes generated during the campaign. It is automatically generated by the system and indicates the status of calls, such as C for completed (successful connection), F for failed, or other predefined statuses.
    Call Disposition The statistics for codes logged by agents for the calls during the campaign.
    Agent list
    Displays the list of agents serve for the campaign. You can quickly search desired agents, or switch the status for agents (log in/out and pause/unpause) directly on this panel.