Park and Retrieve a Call

Call parking is a method of holding a call on a phone, so that anyone can retrieve the call on another phone. This topic describes how to park a call and retrieve a parked call.


To park extension group members' active calls, Call parking operations (Park, Retrieve) permission is required.

Park a call

  1. On the Inbound & Internal Calls or Outbound Calls panel, hover your mouse over an active call.
  2. Park the call on an automatically assigned parking number or a specific parking number.
    Method 1. Park a call on an automatically assigned parking number
    1. Right click the call, and select Parked.
    2. Select the parked party.

      The call is parked on an available parking number. The system puts the parked party's call on hold, and plays a prompt to tell the other party where to retrieve the call.

    Method 2. Park a call on a specific parking number
    Drag the call and drop it on a desired parking number in the Parking Extension list.

    The call is parked on the specified parking number. The system puts the parked party's call on hold, and plays a prompt to tell the other party where to retrieve the call.

Note: After you park the outbound call, the call disappears from Outbound Calls panel, and displays on the Inbound & Internal Calls panel.

Retrieve a parked call

  1. On the Inbound & Internal Calls panel or Parking Extension list, hover your mouse over a parked call.
  2. Right click the call, and select Retrieve.

    The system routes the parked call to your extension.

  3. Answer the call to retrieve the parked call.