Facebook Messenger Integration Guide

By integrating Facebook and Yeastar P-Series Cloud Edition, agents in your business can receive and reply to Facebook Page messages directly on Linkus UC Clients, without having to log in to Facebook Messenger.


Platform Requirement
Yeastar PBX
  • Firmware: Version or later
  • Plan: Enterprise Plan (EP) or Ultimate Plan (UP)
  • Domain Name: Due to the limitation of the third-party platform, the domain name must NOT contain underscore character(s), otherwise the messaging channel will encounter authentication failure, or will fail to receive messages.
  • Domain Certificate: A valid domain certificate is installed.
    Note: If the root domain of your Cloud PBX is NOT the standard Yeastar-provided domains (ycmcloud.com, yeastarcloud.com, or yeastarycm.co.za), you NEED to install a valid domain certificate for the PBX first, otherwise the messaging channel will encounter authentication failure, or will fail to receive messages.
  • Product: Messenger Platform


Learn about the limitations of Facebook messaging channel.

Item Description
Message type Supports text messages and multimedia messages, where the multimedia message types are determined by Facebook. For more information, see Facebook supported media types.
Important: When sending multimedia messages (such as images), Facebook downloads the file from a link provided by the PBX. Therefore, if you have set Allowed Country/Region IP Access Protection rule, make sure that you have allowed the IP access from the country where the Facebook server is located, otherwise the file transmission would fail.
Messaging mechanism Supports to receive and reply to Inbound messages, but agents can NOT initiate a messaging session with a Facebook user.
Message sending rate Supports to send up to 40 messages per second.
File size Supports to send a file with a maximum size of 25 MB.
File retention period Files can be retained for 24 hours.

Integration workflow

Set up a Facebook channel

Set up a Facebook channel by creating and configuring a Meta app to integrate a Facebook Page.

(Optional) Add a user as a Tester

By default, only your Meta Developer account has permission to interact with the app. As Meta requires a Facebook account to test your app, we recommend that you add a Tester account with limited access to aid with the testing access.

Test message delivery

Meta requires developers to make at least 1 successful API call. To meet this requirement, you need to send a message to a Facebook Page and then reply to the message on Yeastar P-Series Phone System.

Submit your app for review

By default, the Meta app is in Development mode and is only accessible to your Meta Developer account. To interact with all Facebook users, you must submit your app for Meta review and set the app to Live mode.