Receive Inbound Calls on an Analog Phone Connected to Yeastar TA1600/2400/3200 FXS Gateway

After connecting Yeastar P-Series PBX System and Yeastar TA1600/2400/3200 FXS gateway, you can set up an inbound route to allow users to receive inbound calls from PBX trunk on the connected analog phone.


Step 1. Create an inbound route on Yeastar PBX

On Yeastar P-Series PBX System, create an inbound route and set the destination to the extension that has been registered with the FXS port on the gateway.
  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Call Control > Inbound Route, click Add.
  2. Configure the following settings.
    • Name: Enter a name to help you identify the inbound route.
    • Trunk: Select a trunk.
    • Default Destination: Select a destination for the inbound route. In this example, select extension 1000.

  3. Click Save and Apply.

Step 2. Make a test call to the analog phone

For example, make a call to the trunk, the analog phone with extension 1000 registered will ring.