Emergency Notifications

When an emergency call occurs, the on-site security personnel who is closer to the emergency caller may provide quicker assistance. Adding a notification contact for emergency calls can provide crucial information for the person who can help the fastest.

Notification methods

The notification of emergency calls can be sent via the following methods:

Notification email contains the emergency caller's name, phone number, call time, and dialed emergency number.
Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX provides a default email template for emergency notification, you can customize the email template.
Notification SMS message contains the emergency caller's name, phone number, call time, and dialed emergency number.
SMS notification and Email notification use the same message template, you can customize the email template to change the notification SMS messages.
Call Extension/ Call Mobile
  • Call Extension: Notification call to the contact's extension number.
  • Call Mobile: Notification call to the contact's mobile phone number.

When the contact answers the notification call, the system will play a prompt to tell the contact that someone made an emergency call.
Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX provides a default prompt, you can also change the notification prompt.
  • If you choose the Call Extension, the notification call will display {callerid_name} {callerid_number} dial {emergency_number}.

    For example, the caller ID name of extension 1000 is Alice, after the extension 1000 dials the emergency call 911, the caller ID of the notification call is displayed as Alice 1000 dial 911.

  • If the {callerid_name} is same with {callerid-number}, the display will be {callerid_number} dial {emergency_number}.

    For example, the caller ID name of extension 1000 is also 1000, after the extension 1000 dials the emergency call 911, the caller ID of the nogification call is displayed as 1000 dial 911.

Add a notification contact for emergency calls

  1. Log in to the PBX web interface, go to Settings > PBX > Emergency Number > Notification Contacts, click Add.
  2. On the pop-up window, select a contact and set the notification method.
    • Choose Contact: Select an extension user or select Custom to add an external contact.
    • Notification Method: Select how to notify the contact when the event occurs.
    • Email: If you choose Notification Mode to Email, you need to set the email address of the contact.
    • Mobile Number: If you choose Notification Mode to SMS or Call Mobile, you need to set the mobile number of the contact and set the Prefix according to the outbound route pattern on the PBX.
  3. Click Save and Apply.

    The contact will receive a notification prompt immediately when an emergency call is made

Delete a notification contact for emergency calls

  1. Log in to the PBX web interface, go to Settings > PBX > Emergency Number > Notification Contacts.
  2. In the notification contacts list, select a desired contact, click .
  3. In the pop-up dialog box, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Customize template of Email/SMS notification

SMS notification and Email notification use the same message template (Email Template).After you change the Email template, both SMS notification and Email notification will be changed.

  1. Log in to the PBX web interface, go to Settings > PBX > Emergency Number > Notification Contacts.
  2. Click Email Template.
  3. In the pop-up window, change the email subject and contents.

    The following variables are available for the email template. You can change the text and insert the variables in proper position.

    • ${extension}: The extension number of the caller.
    • ${extensionname}: The caller ID name of caller.
    • ${calltime}: The time that emergency call was made.
    • ${emername}: The name of the emergency number.
    • ${emernumber}: The emergency number.
    • ${localip}: The local IP address of the PBX.
    • ${sn}: The Serial Number of the PBX.
  4. Click Save and Apply.

Change notification prompt


Prepare your custom prompt by one of the following methods:


  1. Log in to the PBX web interface, go to Settings > PBX > Emergency Number > Notification Contacts.
  2. Click Notification Prompt.
  3. In the pop-up window, configure the following settings:
    1. In the drop-down list of Notification Prompt, select your custom prompt.
    2. In the Play Time(s) field, change the value to define how many times the prompt will be played.
  4. Click Save and Apply.
When the system calls to the notification contact, your custom prompt will be played.