
If Status Monitor is enabled for the extension on PBX web interface, the PBX will send an ExtensionStatus report to the application server when extension status changes.

Report parameters

Parameter Type Description
event String Event type.
extension Integer Number of extension whose status is changed.
status String The current status of extension.
  • Ringing: When the extension receives an incoming call and is in the ringing state, the PBX will push the report to the application server.
  • Busy: When the extension is placing a call or talking in a call, the PBX will push the report to the application server.
  • Idle: The FXS extension is in the idle state.
    Note: The state is only applicable to FXS extensions.
  • Registered: The extension is registered.
    The PBX will push the report to the application server in the following cases:
    • The SIP extension is changed from unregistered to registered.
    • The registered address of the SIP extension is changed.
    • The SIP extension state is changed from busy to idle.
  • Unregistered: The extension is unregistered. When the SIP extension is changed from registered to unregistered,PBX will push the report to the application server.
sn String The PBX's serial number.

Report example

Host: 8260
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: WebAPI
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

	"event": "ExtensionStatus",
	"extension": "1023",
	"status": "Ringing",
	"sn": "369451090405"