Grant Call Permission to Guest Rooms
By default, guests can call the service number and emergency number, while room-to-room and outbound calls are disabled. This topic describes how to grant internal and external call permission to guest rooms.
Enable internal calls between guest rooms
For Yeastar PBX, internal call permission is associated with extension visibility rules. To put it simply, guests can make calls between rooms only if their room extensions are allowed to view the called extension. By default, there are no rules to allow room-to-room calls.
- Enable internal call permission (Group-based structure)
- Log in to PBX web portal, go to Hotel Management.
- Under Hotel Settings tab, scroll down to the Room Settings tab.
- Set up the call rule.
- Select the checkbox of Configure Guest Rooms Call Rules.
- Select the desired call rule.
- Click Save.
The corresponding visibility rule will be created in
.Internal Call Permission Setting Generated Extension Visibility Rule Deny Calls Between Guest Rooms Hotel Room Group Disallow view Extensions in this group Only Allow Internal Calls between the Group Guests Note: If you select this option, whenever a tour group checks in to your hotel, the system will create a temporary extension group, containing all extensions associated with the rooms assigned to the tour guests. This group will be automatically deleted when the tour group checks out.{tour_group} Allow view Extensions in this group Allow Calls Between Guest Rooms Hotel Room Group Allow view Extensions in this group
- Enable internal call permission (Department-based structure)
- Log in to PBX web portal, go to .
- Add a visibility rule.
- Click Add rule.
- Set up the visibility rule.
- Extension/Organization: Select the member(s) to which you want to grant the viewing permission.
- Permission Type: Select Allow view.
- Objects: Select the member extension(s) that are allowed to be viewed.
- Click Save.
The selected member(s) can make calls to the member extensions.
Enable outbound calls from guest rooms
By default, outbound calls from room phones are blocked. As a best practice, you should avoid enabling outbound calling for all guest rooms. Instead, grant access only to the guests who request it.
To accommodate guest requests for outbound calls, you can configure the outbound calling settings in advance and grant permission to guest(s) during check-in.
- Enable domestic outbound calling
- Configure domestic outbound calling settings.
- Set up a trunk for outbound calls.
- Create an outbound route to route calls to external numbers.
- Add a call rate rule to bill guest calls.
- Grant domestic outbound calling permission to guest(s) during
- On the check-in page, select Allow Domestic
Calls from the drop-down list of
Call Privilege.
- Click Save. Note: If guest(s) request domestic outbound calling permission after check-in, you can grant the permission from room page, as shown below.
The guest can make domestic outbound calls from room phone. After a call ends, the PBX system will calculate the charge based on the applicable rate, and post the charge to the guest's bill.
- On the check-in page, select Allow Domestic
Calls from the drop-down list of
Call Privilege.
- Configure domestic outbound calling settings.
- Enable international outbound calling
- Configure international outbound calling settings.
- Set up a trunk for outbound calls.
- Set up international dialing code to help the system identify international calls, and restrict international calls only to the trusted countries and regions.
- Create an outbound route to route calls to external numbers.
- Add a call rate rule to bill guest calls.
- Grant international outbound calling permission to guest(s)
during check-in.
- On the check-in page, select Allow
International Calls from the drop-down
list of Call Privilege.
- Click Save. Note: If guest(s) request international outbound calling permission after check-in, you can grant the permission from room page, as shown below.
The guest can make both international and domestic outbound calls from room phone. After a call ends, the PBX system will calculate the charge based on the applicable rate, and post the charge to the guest's bill.
- On the check-in page, select Allow
International Calls from the drop-down
list of Call Privilege.
- Configure international outbound calling settings.