Replicate Settings of IP Blacklist / Whitelist

This topic describes how to replicate the list of blocked or allowed IP addresses or IP address range from 3CX to Yeastar Phone System.


  1. View the existing settings on 3CX Management Console.

    Go to Security > IP Blacklist and select a rule to view the existing blocked/allowed IP address or IP address range.

  2. Create a new blocked/ allowed IP address rule on Yeastar Management Portal.
    1. Go to Security > Security Rules.
    2. In the Static Defense tab, click Add.
  3. On Yeastar Management Portal, replicate the settings from 3CX.
    • For single IP address rules, do as follow:
      1. In the Name field, specify a name for this rule.
      2. In the Action drop-down list, select the action according to 3CX setting.
      3. In the Object Type drop-down list, select IP Address.
      4. In the Source IP Address / Subnet Mask/ field, copy the IP address and enter as the subnet mask.
    • For IP addresses range rules, do as follow:

      1. In the Name field, specify a name for this rule.
      2. In the Action drop-down list, select the action according to 3CX setting.
      3. In the Object Type drop-down list, select IP Address.
      4. In the Source IP Address / Subnet Mask/ field, copy the IP address from 3CX and enter the corresponding subnet mask.
  4. If there are multiple IP blacklists or whitelists in 3CX, repeat step 2~3.