Determine Network Scenario

The migration methods and operations vary depending on the network environment of IP Phone and Yeastar P-Series Software Edition. Before migrating IP phones, you need to verify the network scenario and choose the corresponding migration method.

Network scenarios

The network environment of IP Phone and Yeastar P-Series Software Edition are listed as follows:
In the SAME subnet
In this scenario, Yeastar P-Series Software Edition is typically installed on a physical server or virtual machine, which is deployed within the same subnet as the IP phones.

To migrate IP phones in this scenario, see Migrate IP Phones in the Same Subnet.

In DIFFERENT subnets
In this scenario, Yeastar P-Series Software Edition is typically installed on a physical server or virtual machine, which is deployed in the same local area network (LAN) as the IP phones, but in different subnets.

To migrate IP phones in this scenario, see Migrate IP Phone in Different Subnets.

In DIFFERENT network
In this scenario, Yeastar P-Series Software Edition is typically installed on a cloud-based server, such as AWS, Vultr, Microsoft Azure.

To migrate IP phones in this scenario, see Migrate IP Phones in Remote Network.