Configure Your Extension Profile

This topic describes how to upload personal avatar and configure account information.


  1. Log in to Linkus Web Client, go to Preferences > User > User Information.
  2. Upload your avatar.
    1. Click .
    2. In the pop-up window, select an image from your computer, click Open.
      Note: The image must be .jpg or .png, and can not exceed 1MB.
    3. Click Upload.
  3. Configure your basic information.
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address: You can receive Linkus welcome email, voicemail messages, or event notifications via the email address.
    • Mobile Number: You can receive calls or event notifications on this mobile number.
    • System Prompt Language: Select the language of system prompts to be played to you during a call.
  4. Click Save.