Enable or Disable Shared Wrap-up Time Among Queues

Enable or disable 'Shared Wrap-up Time Across Multiple Queues'.

Request URL

POST {base_url}/{api_path}/queue/honor_wrapup_time?access_token={access_token}

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
enb_honor_wrapup_time Yes Integer

Whether to share break time among queues when an agent belongs to multiple queues.

Valid value:

  • 0: Disable. The break time is only valid for current queue, the agent will still receive calls from other queues during the break time.
  • 1: Enable. After an agent finishes a queue call, the break time of the queue will be shared across all queues, the agent will not receive calls from other queues during this break time.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
errcode Integer Returned error code.
  • 0: Succeed.
  • Non-zero value: Failed.
Note: You can check the error code and error message in Error Code and Error Message.
errmsg String Returned message.
  • SUCCESS: Succeed.
  • FAILURE: Failed.


Request example

POST /openapi/v1.0/queue/honor_wrapup_time?access_token=sRuPSzYcPflKgdwSVpA1lhxlVLw0q0z1 HTTP/1.1 

Host: yeastardocs.example.yeastarcloud.com
Content-Type: application/json
    "enb_honor_wrapup_time": 1
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "SUCCESS"