3) Configure SBC LAN Interface

By default, SBC LAN interface is not configured even you have added the interface on SBC instance. You need to log in the SBC via SSH to configure the network interface.

  1. Connect SSH to the elastic IP address of the SBC instance.
  2. Edit the configuration file interfaces.
    vi /etc/network/interfaces
  3. Add the following sentences in the configuration file.
    Note: Make sure the sentence is placed on the last line: source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg.
    • {sbc_lan_interface} is the network interface name of your SBC LAN port. Generally, the LAN interface name is eth1. For different AMI chosen on the instance, the interface name may be different.
    auto {sbc_lan_interface}
    iface {sbc_lan_interface} inet dhcp
  4. Press ESC key to exit the edit mode, type :wq to save the file.
  5. Type the command to restart network.
    /etc/init.d/networking restart
  6. Type the command to check the network interfaces of the SBC instance.