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Before You Begin

Before you begin to deploy the servers, you need to know the basic information of Yeastar Cloud PBX.

Steps to Deploy Yeastar Cloud PBX


Prepare Your Server and Network

Before you start to deploy Yeastar Cloud PBX on Cloud or on a data center, you need to prepare two servers. One for YMP and one for SBC.


Deploy YMP server and SBC Server.

You can deploy the YMP server and SBC server on Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Cloud, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or on Data Center.


Send Your Information of the deploy environment to Yeastar.

Fill in the requested information in the form, and send the form to Yeastar. We will check your network environment and install Yeastar Cloud PBX in your server.

Download Relevant Form

Form for the Cloud Environment

If you deploy your servers on Alibaba Cloud, AWS, or Google Cloud, download this form.

Form for Data Center Environment

If you deploy your servers in a data center, download this form.


  • Support
Architecture of Yeastar Cloud PBX and the domain structure of the Yeastar Cloud PBX.
Requirements of YMP server and SBC server.
Deploy the SBC server and YMP server on AWS.
Deploy the SBC server and YMP server on Alibaba Cloud.
Deploy the SBC server and YMP server in a data center.