Activate Yeastar Workplace Offline

This topic describes the offline activation steps for Yeastar Workplace on-premise deployment.


Step 1. Enter the authorization code

Open a web browser, and access the domain name or IP address of your Yeastar Workplace.

  1. Select Offline Activation.

  2. Click Download Request Files and send the requested file to Yeastar Sales to get an authorization code.

  3. In the Authorization Code field, enter the authorization code.

  4. Click Confirm.

Step 2. Set up the Email server

Email server allows Yeastar Workplace to send emails through the specified mailbox.
  1. In the Email Server page, fill in the following fields:

    • Sender Email Address: Enter the email address, and Yeastar Workplace will send emails through it.

    • Email Address or Username: Enter your email address or username, which is used to access the SMTP server.

    • Password: Enter the password of your email, which is used to access your mail server.

    • Outgoing Mail Server(SMTP): Enter the outgoing mail server.

    • Port: Enter the port of the SMTP server.

    • TLS Encryption: Enable or disable TLS encryption.

  2. Click Test, in the pop-up dialog box, enter an email address to receive the test mail.

  3. Click Send to test if this email address is available.

  4. When the test succeeds, click Confirm to continue.

Step 3. Create a company account

Register an account
  1. On the account registration page, enter your email address, username, password, and confirmed password.

  2. Select your country and region.

  3. Read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and check the checkbox to agree to them.

  4. Click Register. An activation email is sent to your email.

Activate the account
  1. Go to your email inbox to check the activation email.

  2. Click the activation link in the email. Your account will be activated.

Create a company
  1. Enter your company name and your company phone number.

  2. Click Create a Company.


The system is activated and ready for use.