Automate Meeting Room Booking with People Counting Sensor

If your meeting rooms are associated with People Counting Sensors, you can set automated strategies (such as auto check-in, auto-extend, and auto-release) to customize your experience in meeting room booking.

Set up auto check-in for meeting rooms

This feature works for the meeting rooms that meet all of the following requirements:
  • Regular Meeting Room or Request-only Meeting Room
  • The meeting room is associated with a People Counting Sensor.
  • The meeting room is NOT associated with a Room Display, or identity authentication is DISABLED on the associated Room Display.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace admin portal, go to Meeting Room > Room Management.
  2. Click beside the desired meeting room.
  3. Under Smart Device Settings tab, select Enable from the drop-down list of Auto-Check-in If Sensor Detects People.

  4. Click Save.
When a meeting starts and the People Counting Sensor detects someone in the room, the system will automatically check in the room booking.

Set up auto-extend for meeting rooms

This feature works for the meeting rooms that meet all of the following requirements:
  • Regular Meeting Room or Request-only Meeting Room
  • The meeting room is associated with a People Counting Sensor.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace admin portal, go to Meeting Room > Room Management.
  2. Click beside the desired meeting room.
  3. Under Smart Device Settings tab, select Enable from the drop-down list of Auto-Extend Meeting If Sensor Detects Someone.

  4. Click Save.
When it comes to 1 minute before the end of a meeting and the People Counting Sensor detects someone in the room, the system will extend the room booking by 15 minutes.

Set up auto-release for meeting rooms

This feature works for the meeting rooms that are associated with a People Counting Sensor.
  1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace admin portal, go to Meeting Room > Room Management.
  2. Click beside the desired meeting room.
  3. Click Smart Device Settings tab, then complete the following settings:

    1. In the Automatically End the Meeting When No One Is Detected drop-down list, select Enable.
    2. Specify the timeout.
  4. Click Save.
When the People Counting Sensor continuously detects an in-use room is empty for the selected duration, the system will release this meeting room automatically.
Note: When it reaches 5 minutes before the room is automatically released, a notification will be sent to the meeting organizer, through which the meeting organizer can decide whether to keep or release this meeting room.