Zoho Integration - FAQ

The integration status shows "Error"

  1. Click Refresh, the status will be changed to Connected.
  2. If the integration is still disconnected, do the followings:
    • Check if PBX can access to the Internet or not.
    • Check if the Yeastar Integration is enabled or not on the Zoho applications.
  3. If the integration status is still abnormal, contact Yeastar support.

There is no click-to-call phone icon beside the phone number in the Lead/Contact Details page

Check if the Zoho account is associated with the PBX extension.

If fail to associate, you can associate them manually.

There is no call pop-up in Zoho CRM when a call comes

  • Check if the Zoho account is associated with the PBX extension.
  • Check if the Caller ID of PBX extension is consistent with the Extension. If not, there is no call pop-up when a call comes.
  • Check the Zoho Integration status on the PBX. If the status shows "Error", click Refresh to refresh the status.

PBX doesn't display all the Zoho accounts on the Zoho CRM Integration page

  • Check if the Zoho accounts are activated on Zoho CRM.

Failed to integrate the PBX and Zoho application

Zoho uses appcenter.yeastar.com to interact with Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX. If the PBX is behind the firewall, add appcenter.yeastar.com to the firewall allowlist.