Search specific CDR

Search the specific CDR from the CDR list.

Request URL

GET {base_url}/{api_path}/cdr/search?access_token={access_token}

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
start_time No String Specify the start time to filter CDR.
Note: The time format depends on the date and time display format of PBX (set in System > Date and Time > Display Format on PBX).


  • If the display format is Month/Day/Year and is 24-hours format, then the valid time format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.
  • If the display format is Year/Month/Day and is 12-hours format, then the valid time format is YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss AM or YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss PM.
end_time No String Specify the end time to filter CDR.
Note: The time format depends on the date and time display format of PBX (set in System > Date and Time > Display Format on PBX).


  • If the display format is Month/Day/Year and is 24-hours format, then the valid time format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.
  • If the display format is Year/Month/Day and is 12-hours format, then the valid time format is YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss AM or YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss PM.
call_from No String The number of caller.
call_to No String The number of callee.
extension_group No Integer The unique ID of the an extension group to only query group member's calls.
Note: You can query the extension group's ID using Get Menu Options.
status No String call status.
Valid value:
  • BUSY
enable_fuzzy_search No Integer Whether to search for the fuzzy equivalent for the phone number.
Valid value:
  • 0: Disable
  • 1: Enable

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
errcode Integer Returned error code.
  • 0: Succeed.
  • Non-zero value: Failed.
Note: You can check the error code and error message in Error Code and Error Message.
errmsg String Returned message.
  • SUCCESS: Succeed.
  • FAILURE: Failed.
total_number Integer The total number of the searched CDR.
data Array<CDR_Details> The detailed information of the CDR.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The sequence number of the record.
time String The time the call was made or received.
call_from String The number or/and the name of the caller.
call_to String The number or/and the name of the callee.
timestamp Integer The timestamp of the time that the call was made or received.
uid String The unique ID of the CDR.
src_addr String The IP address of the caller's device.
src_trunk String The call was received via which trunk.
dst_trunk String The call was sent out via which trunk.
duration Integer The time between the call started and the call ended.
ring_duration Integer The time between the call started and the call answered.
talk_duration Integer The time between the call answered and the call ended.
disposition String Call status.
  • BUSY
call_type String Communication type.
  • Inbound
  • Outbound
  • Internal
did_number String The phone number that the caller dialed.
dod_number String The phone number that was displayed on the callee's phone.
record_file String The name of the call recording file.
reason String The reason why the call was ended.
call_from_number String The number of the caller.
call_from_name String The name of the caller.
call_to_number String The number of the callee.
call_to_name String The name of the callee.
call_id String The unique ID of the call.


Request example

Query the record details of the calls made by extension 2005 during 05/30/2022 00:00:00-05/30/2022 23:59:59.
Important: If you want to filter CDR by date and time, the format of start_time and end_time MUST follow the date and time display format of your PBX, otherwise the response will not return any CDR records.
GET /openapi/v1.0/cdr/search?start_time=05/30/2022 00:00:00&end_time=05/30/2022 23:59:59&access_token=s4f8lGJgh28PuXt8KNsoPJCDcfjt21Uj&call_from=2005 HTTP/1.1

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "SUCCESS",
    "total_number": 3,
    "data": [
            "id": 2710,
            "time": "05/30/2022 14:53:41",
            "call_from": "Kristin Hale<2005>",
            "call_to": "1000",
            "timestamp": 1653893621,
            "uid": "202205301453416CEAB",
            "src_addr": "",
            "dst_trunk": "peer-to-34",
            "duration": 7,
            "talk_duration": 7,
            "disposition": "ANSWERED",
            "call_type": "Outbound",
            "dod_number": "2005",
            "reason": "src hangup    ",
            "call_from_number": "2005",
            "call_from_name": "Kristin Hale",
            "call_to_number": "1000",
            "call_to_name": " ",
            "call_id": "1718690912.7"
            "id": 2711,
            "time": "05/30/2022 14:55:00",
            "call_from": "Kristin Hale<2005>",
            "call_to": "21000",
            "timestamp": 1653893700,
            "uid": "2022053014550020730",
            "src_addr": "",
            "dst_trunk": "peer-to-34",
            "disposition": "NO ANSWER",
            "call_type": "Outbound",
            "dod_number": "2005",
            "reason": "dst extension_busy_no_forward    ",
            "call_from_number": "2005",
            "call_from_name": "Kristin Hale",
            "call_to_number": "21000",
            "call_to_name": " ",
            "call_id": "1718689712.3"
            "id": 2712,
            "time": "05/30/2022 14:55:49",
            "call_from": "Kristin Hale<2005>",
            "call_to": "21000",
            "timestamp": 1653893749,
            "uid": "202205301455494E686",
            "src_addr": "",
            "dst_trunk": "to28.41",
            "duration": 54,
            "ring_duration": 2,
            "talk_duration": 52,
            "disposition": "ANSWERED",
            "call_type": "Outbound",
            "dod_number": "2005",
            "record_file": "20220530145555-1653893749.6-2005-21000-Outbound.wav",
            "reason": "dst hangup    ",
            "call_from_number": "2005",
            "call_from_name": "Kristin Hale",
            "call_to_number": "21000",
            "call_to_name": " ",
            "call_id": "1718689653.0"