Query Call Report List

Query call statistics of different objects, such as extensions, trunk, queues, ring groups, etc.

Request URL

GET {base_url}/{api_path}/call_report/list?access_token={access_token}

Request parameters

Parameter Available Required Type Description
type This parameter is available in all call report types. Yes String Call report type.
Valid value:
  • extcallstatistics: Extension Call Statistics report.
  • extcallactivity: Extension Call Activity report.
  • trunkactivity: PBX Call Activity report.
  • trunkdiddodactivity: DID/Outbound Caller ID Activity report.
  • ivr: IVR Report.
  • unreturnmisscall: Unreturned Missed Call Report.
  • queueavgwaittalktime: Queue AVG Waiting & Talking Time report.
  • queueperformance: Queue Performance report.
  • queueperformanceactivity: Queue Performance Activity report.
  • queuecallbackssummary: Queue Callback Summary report.
  • queuecallbacksactivity: Queue Callback Activity report.
  • queuesatisfaction: Satisfaction Survey report.
  • queuesatisfactiondetail: Queue Satisfaction Survey Details report.
  • queueagentlogintime: Agent Login Activity report.
  • queueagentpausetime: Agent Pause Activity report.
  • queueagentmisscalls: Agent Missed Call Activity report.
  • queueagentperformance: Agent Performance report.
  • queueagentinoutcalls: Agent Call Summary report.
  • ringgroupstatistics: Ring Group Statistics report.
  • extcallbilling: Extension Call Accounting report.
  • extcallbillingdetails: Extension Call Accounting Details report.
start_time This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports.
  • Extension Call Statistics
  • IVR Report
  • Unreturned Missed Call Report
  • Queue Performance
  • Queue Callback Summary
  • Queue Callback Activity
  • Satisfaction Survey
  • Satisfaction Survey Details
  • Agent Login Activity
  • Agent Pause Activity
  • Agent Missed Call Activity
  • Agent Performance
  • Agent Call Summary
  • Ring Group Statistics
  • Extension Call Accounting
  • Extension Call Accounting Details
No String Specify the start time to filter the reports.
Note: The time format depends on the date and time display format of PBX (set in System > Date and Time > Display Format on PBX).


  • If the display format is Month/Day/Year and is 24-hours format, then the valid time format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.
  • If the display format is Year/Month/Day and is 12-hours format, then the valid time format is YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss AM or YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss PM.
end_time This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports.
  • Extension Call Statistics
  • IVR Report
  • Unreturned Missed Call Report
  • Queue Performance
  • Queue Callback Summary
  • Queue Callback Activity
  • Satisfaction Survey
  • Satisfaction Survey Details
  • Agent Login Activity
  • Agent Pause Activity
  • Agent Missed Call Activity
  • Agent Performance
  • Agent Call Summary
  • Ring Group Statistics
  • Extension Call Accounting
  • Extension Call Accounting Details
No String Specify the end time to filter the reports.
Note: The time format depends on the date and time display format of PBX (set in System > Date and Time > Display Format on PBX).


  • If the display format is Month/Day/Year and is 24-hours format, then the valid time format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss.
  • If the display format is Year/Month/Day and is 12-hours format, then the valid time format is YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss AM or YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss PM.
time This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Extension Call Activity
  • PBX Call Activity
  • DID/Outbound Caller ID Activity
  • Queue AVG Waiting & Talking Time
  • Queue Performance Activity
Yes String

Specify the time frame to filter the call report.

Note: The time format depends on the date display format of PBX.

For example, Date Display Format of PBX is Year/Month/Day, then the valid time format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Time format:
  • To query the reports by hour, enter YYYY/MM/DD.
  • To query the reports by day, enter YYYY/MM.
  • To query the reports by month, enter YYYY.
ext_id_list This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Extension Call Statistics
  • Extension Call Activity
  • Extension Call Accounting
  • Extension Call Accounting Details
This parameter is required when querying the following types of reports:
  • Extension Call Statistics
  • Extension Call Activity
String The ID(s) of the desired extension(s)/extension group(s).
  • You can query the extension/extension group's ID using Get Menu Options.
  • Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
trunk_id This parameter is available when querying DID/Outbound Caller ID Activity report. Yes String The ID of the desired trunk.
Note: You can query the trunk's ID using Get Menu Options.
trunk_id_list This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • PBX Call Activity
  • Extension Call Accounting
  • Extension Call Accounting Details
Yes String The ID(s) of the desired trunk(s).
  • You can query the trunk's ID using Get Menu Options.
  • Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
ivr_id_list This parameter is available when querying IVR Report. Yes String The ID(s) of the desired IVR(s).
  • You can query the IVR's ID using Get Menu Options.
  • Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
ring_group_id_list This parameter is available when querying Ring Group Statistics report. Yes String The ID(s) of the desired ring group(s).
  • You can query the ring group's ID using Get Menu Options.
  • Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
queue_id This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Satisfaction Survey
  • Satisfaction Survey Details
  • Agent Login Activity
  • Agent Pause Activity
  • Agent Missed Call Activity
  • Agent Performance
  • Agent Call Summary
Yes String The ID of the desired queue.
Note: You can query the queue's ID using Get Menu Options.
queue_id_list This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Queue AVG Waiting & Talking Time
  • Queue Performance
  • Queue Performance Activity
  • Queue Callback Summary
  • Queue Callback Activity
Yes String The ID(s) of the desired queue(s).
  • You can query the queue's ID using Get Menu Options.
  • Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
agent_id_list This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Satisfaction Survey Details
  • Agent Login Activity
  • Agent Pause Activity
  • Agent Missed Call Activity
  • Agent Performance
  • Agent Call Summary
No String The ID(s) of the desired agent(s).
  • You can query the agent's ID using Get Menu Options.
  • Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
abandon_time This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Unreturned Missed Call Report
  • Queue Performance
  • Queue Performance Activity
  • Agent Missed Call Activity
  • Agent Performance
No String Set a time. Calls abandoned within the specified time will not be included in report. (Unit: Second)
talk_time This parameter is available when querying Queue Performance report. No Integer Set a time. Calls that proceeded within the specified time will be not be included in report. (Unit: Second)
include_internal This parameter is available when querying PBX Call Activity report. No Integer Whether to include internal calls in the report.
Valid value:
  • 0: Exclude the internal calls.
  • 1: Include the internal calls.
callback_result This parameter is available when querying Queue Callback Activity report. No String Queue callback result.

Valid value:

  • success
  • fail
reason This parameter is available when querying Agent Pause Activity report. No String The reason why an agent switched status to pause.

Valid value: The pause reasons set on PBX web portal (Path: Call Features > Queue > Pause Reason).

communication_type This parameter is available when querying the following types of reports:
  • Extension Call Statistics
  • Extension Call Activity
  • PBX Call Activity
  • DID/Outbound Caller ID Activity
No String Communication type.
Note: If this parameter is omitted, the system will query all the communication types.
Valid value for extension related reports:
  • Inbound
  • Outbound
  • Internal
Valid value for trunk related reports:
  • Inbound
  • Outbound
call_from This parameter is available when querying the Unreturned Missed Call Report. No String The number of the caller.
call_to This parameter is available when querying the Unreturned Missed Call Report. No String The number of the callee.
call_to_type This parameter is available when querying the Unreturned Missed Call Report. No String The type of the destination to which the call is routed.
Valid value:
  • Extension
  • Queue
  • RingGroup
miss_call_type This parameter is available when querying the Unreturned Missed Call Report. No String

The type of a missed call.

Valid value:
  • no_answer
  • busy
  • abandoned
unreturn_status This parameter is available when querying the Unreturned Missed Call Report. No Integer The return status of a missed call.
Valid value:
  • 1: Returned.
  • 2: Not returned.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
errcode Integer Returned error code.
  • 0: Succeed.
  • Non-zero value: Failed.
Note: You can check the error code and error message in Error Code and Error Message.
errmsg String Returned message.
  • SUCCESS: Succeed.
  • FAILURE: Failed.
total_number Integer The total number of reports.
is_12hour Integer Whether the time format is 12-hour format.
  • 0: No. The time format is 24-hour format.
  • 1: Yes. The time format is 12-hour format.
ext_call_statistics_list Array<ext_call_statistics_list> The list of the Extension Call Statistics reports.
ext_call_activity_list Array<ext_call_activity_list> The list of the Extension Call Activity reports.
trunk_activity_list Array<trunk_activity_list> The list of the PBX Call Activity reports.
trunk_did_dod_activity_list Array<trunk_did_dod_activity_list> The list of the trunk DID/Outbound Caller ID Activity reports.
ivr_list Array<ivr_list> The list of the IVR reports.
unreturn_miss_call_list Array<unreturn_miss_call_list> The list of the unreturned missed calls reports.
queue_avg_wait_talk_time_list Array<queue_avg_wait_talk_time_list> The list of the Queue AVG Waiting & Talking Time reports.
queue_performance_list Array<queue_performance_list> The list of the Queue Performance reports.
queue_performance_activity_list Array<queue_performance_activity_list> The list of the Queue Performance Activity reports.
queue_callbacks_summary_list Array<queue_callbacks_summary_list> The list of the Queue Callback Summary reports.
queue_callbacks_activity_list Array<queue_callbacks_activity_list> The list of the Queue Callback Activity reports.
queue_satisfaction Array<queue_satisfaction> The list of the queue Satisfaction Survey reports.
queue_satisfaction_detail_list Array<queue_satisfaction_detail_list> The list of the queue Satisfaction Survey Details reports.
queue_agent_login_time_list Array<queue_agent_login_time_list> The list of the queue Agent Login Activity reports.
queue_agent_pause_time_list Array<queue_agent_pause_time_list> The list of the queue Agent Pause Activity reports.
queue_agent_miss_calls_list Array<queue_agent_miss_calls_list> The list of the queue Agent Missed Call Activity reports.
queue_agent_performance_list Array<queue_agent_performance_list> The list of the queue Agent Performance reports.
queue_agent_in_out_calls_list Array<queue_agent_in_out_calls_list> The list of the queue Agent Call Summary reports.
ring_group_statistics_list Array<ring_group_statistics_list> The list of the Ring Group Statistics reports.
ext_call_billing_list Array<ext_call_billing_list> The list of the Extension Call Accounting reports.
ext_call_billing_details_list Array<ext_call_billing_details_list> The list of the Extension Call Accounting Details reports.
callback_result String Queue callback result.
Parameter Type Description
ext_num String Extension number.
ext_name String Extension name.
answered_calls Integer The total number of calls that the extension answered.
no_answer_calls Integer The total number of calls that were routed to the designated destination when the extension didn't answer the calls.
busy_calls Integer The total number of calls that were routed to the designated destination when the extension was busy.
failed_calls Integer The total number of calls that were failed to be made by the extension.
voicemail_calls Integer The total number of voicemails that the extension received.
total_holding_time Integer The total time between calls started and calls answered.
total_talking_time Integer The total time between calls answered and calls ended.
Parameter Type Description
time Integer The time of the report.
  • If the report is filtered by Hour, the time returns the hour in the day.

    For example, if the time of the report is between 10:00-10:59, the time will be 10.

  • If the report is filtered by Day, the time returns the day in the month.

    For example, if the date of the report is Apr. 13, the time will be 13.

  • If the report is filtered by Month, the time returns the month in the year.

    For example, if the month of the report is April, the time will be 4.

answered_calls Integer The total number of calls that the extension answered.
no_answer_calls Integer The total number of calls that were routed to the designated destination when the extension didn't answer the calls.
busy_calls Integer The total number of calls that were routed to the designated destination when the extension was busy.
failed_calls Integer The total number of calls that were failed to be made by the extension.
voicemail_calls Integer The total number of voicemails that the extension received.
total_holding_time Integer The total time between calls started and calls answered.
total_talking_time Integer The total time between calls answered and calls ended.
Parameter Type Description
time Integer The time of the report.
  • If the report is filtered by Hour, the time returns the hour in the day.

    For example, if the time of the report is between 10:00-10:59, the time will be 10.

  • If the report is filtered by Day, the time returns the day in the month.

    For example, if the date of the report is Apr. 13, the time will be 13.

  • If the report is filtered by Month, the time returns the month in the year.

    For example, if the month of the report is April, the time will be 4.

trunk_list Array<call_statistics> The data of PBX call activities.
Parameter Type Description
trunk_name String
  • For calls between extensions, this parameter returns Internal.
  • For calls made or received via trunks, this parameter returns the name of the trunk.
  • For calls of the entire phone system, this parameter returns Device.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls that have been received or made within the queried time frame.
max_concurrent_call Integer The maximum concurrent calls within the queried time frame.
total_talk_duration Integer The total time between calls answered and calls ended.
trunk_type String The trunk type.
Note: This parameter is only returned in trunk call statistics.
Parameter Type Description
time Integer The time of the report.
  • If the report is filtered by Hour, the time returns the hour in the day.

    For example, if the time of the report is between 10:00-10:59, the time will be 10.

  • If the report is filtered by Day, the time returns the day in the month.

    For example, if the date of the report is Apr. 13, the time will be 13.

  • If the report is filtered by Month, the time returns the month in the year.

    For example, if the month of the report is April, the time will be 4.

did_dod_list Array<did_dod_list> The activity information of the trunk DID/Outbound caller ID.
Parameter Type Description
dod String Outbound caller ID number.
did Integer DID number.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls.
Parameter Type Description
detail Array<ivr_call_detail> The list of IVR call details.
ivr_name String IVR name.
ivr_num String IVR number.
press_count Object The keypress events in the IVR and their counts.

This parameter returns the keypress events in the format "press_keypress_event":count.

For example:
  • "press_0": 2
  • "press_invalid": 1
  • "press_timeout": 1
Parameter Type Description
id String The unique ID of the call.
time String The time when the call was received.
call_from String The number and name of the caller.
press String The key pressed in the call.
destination String The destination of the keypress.
opr_duration Integer The time between the caller called into the IVR and exited the IVR.
reason_partya ~ reason_partyf String The parts of the content that are used to compose the information about the keypress destination (destination).
call_to String The number and name of the keypress destination (destination).
Note: If the keypress destination doesn't have a number, such as Play Prompt and Exit, Play Prompt and Return to IVR, etc., this parameter returns null.
timestamp Integer The timestamp of the time when the call was received.
dst_num String The number of the keypress destination (destination).
Note: If the keypress destination doesn't have a number, such as Play Prompt and Exit, Play Prompt and Return to IVR, etc., this parameter returns null.
ivr_num String IVR number.
Parameter Type Destination
id String The unique ID of the call.
time String The time when the call was received.
call_from String The number and name of the caller.
call_to String The number and name of the callee.
ring_duration Integer The time between the call started and the call disconnected.
call_to_type String The type of the destination to which the call was routed.
  • Extension
  • Queue
  • RingGroup
unreturn_status Integer The return status of the missed call.
  • 1: Returned.
  • 2: Not returned.
return_time String The time when the call was returned.
miss_call_type String The type of the missed call.
  • no_answer: The call is missed because the callee did not answer the call.
  • busy: The call is missed because the callee was busy.
  • abandoned: The call is missed because the caller abandoned the call.
src String The number from which the call originated.
Parameter Type Description
time Integer The time of the report.
  • If the report is filtered by Hour, the time returns the hour in the day.

    For example, if the time of the report is between 10:00-10:59, the time will be 10.

  • If the report is filtered by Day, the time returns the day in the month.

    For example, if the date of the report is Apr. 13, the time will be 13.

  • If the report is filtered by Month, the time returns the month in the year.

    For example, if the month of the report is April, the time will be 4.

avg_wait_time Integer The average amount of time that the answered calls have been waiting in the queue before being answered by agents.
Note: The value of this parameter is calculated by dividing the answered_waiting_time by the total number of answered_calls. The calculation result is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
avg_talk_time Integer The average amount of time that agents talk to callers.
Note: The value of this parameter is calculated by dividing the total_talking_time by the total number of answered_calls. The calculation result is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
all_call_avg_wait_time Integer The average amount of time that all incoming calls have been waiting in the queue, regardless of whether they are answered or not.
Note: This parameter is calculated by dividing the total_waiting_time by the number of total_calls. The calculation result is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
answered_calls Integer The number of calls that have been answered by agents.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue received.
answered_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of the answered calls.
total_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of all the incoming calls.
total_talking_time Integer The total talking time of all the answered calls.
Parameter Type Description
queue String Queue name.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue received.
answered_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue answered.
missed_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue missed.
abandoned_calls Integer The total number of calls that callers abandoned before connecting to an agent.
average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that answered calls have been waiting in the queue before being answered by agents.
average_talking_time Integer The average amount of time that agents talk to callers.
max_waiting_time Integer The maximum amount of time that callers waited in the queue, regardless of whether the calls were answered or not.
answered_rate number The percentage of answered calls in relation to the total received calls.
missed_rate number The percentage of missed calls in relation to the total received calls.
abandoned_rate number The percentage of abandoned calls in relation to the total received calls.
sla number The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the queue. SLA is the percentage of conversations answered within a pre-defined amount of time.
average_handle_time Integer The average amount of time it takes agents to handle answered calls.
Note: The value of this parameter is calculated by dividing the total amount of time between the start of ringing and the end of the answered calls by the total number of the answered calls.
all_call_average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that all incoming calls have been waiting in the queue, regardless of whether they are answered or not.
detail Array<queue_call_detail> The list of queue call details.
answered_call_time Integer The total amount of talking time in answered calls.
total_ring_time Integer The total amount of ringing time for all incoming calls.
answered_hold_time Integer The total amount of time that agents hold calls in the answered queue calls.
queue_num String Queue number.
Parameter Type Description
id String The unique ID of the call.
time String The time when the call was received.
call_from String The number and name of the caller.
queue_name String Queue name.
agent_name String Agent name and agent number.
status String Call status.
  • abandond: The call was abandoned by the caller.
  • missed: The call was eventually not answered by the agent.
  • answered: The call was answered by the agent.
ring_duration Integer The time between the call started to ring an agent and the call answered.
talk_duration Integer The time between the call answered and the call ended.
hold_duration Integer The total amount of time that the call was held.
reason String The reason why the call was not answered by the agent or why the call ended.
process_result String The process result for an abandoned or missed queue call.
  • unprocessed
  • processed
polling_attempts Integer The number of polling attempts to call an agent.
process_ext String The extension number and name of the agent that processed the abandoned or missed queue call.
process_time String The time that an agent changed the processing status of an abandoned or missed queue call.
reason_partya ~ reason_partyf String The parts of the content that are used to compose the information about the reason.
call_to String The number and name of the callee.
timestamp Integer The timestamp of the time when the call was received.
queue_num String Queue number.
agent_num String Agent number.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The sequence number of the record.
time Integer The time of the report.
  • If the report is filtered by Hour, the time returns the hour in the day.

    For example, if the time of the report is between 10:00-10:59, the time will be 10.

  • If the report is filtered by Day, the time returns the day in the month.

    For example, if the date of the report is Apr. 13, the time will be 13.

  • If the report is filtered by Month, the time returns the month in the year.

    For example, if the month of the report is April, the time will be 4.

total_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue received.
answered_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue answered.
missed_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue missed.
abandoned_calls Integer The total number of calls that callers abandoned before connecting to an agent.
average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that answered calls have been waiting in the queue before being answered by agents.
max_waiting_time Integer The maximum amount of time that callers waited in the queue, regardless of whether the calls were answered or not.
answered_rate number The percentage of answered calls in relation to the total received calls.
missed_rate number The percentage of missed calls in relation to the total received calls.
abandoned_rate number The percentage of abandoned calls in relation to the total received calls.
sla number The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the queue. SLA is the percentage of conversations answered within a pre-defined amount of time.
sla_calls Integer The number of calls that were answered within the SLA time.
total_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of all the incoming calls.
average_handle_time Integer The average amount of time it takes agents to handle answered calls.
Note: The value of this parameter is calculated by dividing the total amount of time between the start of ringing and the end of the answered calls by the total number of the answered calls.
all_call_average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that all incoming calls have been waiting in the queue, regardless of whether they are answered or not.
average_talking_time Integer The average amount of time that agents talk to callers.
average_hold_time Integer The average amount of time that agents hold calls in the answered queue calls.
detail Array<queue_call_detail> The list of the queue call details.
answered_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of the answered calls.
answered_call_time Integer The total amount of talking time in answered calls.
answered_hold_time Integer The total amount of time that agents hold calls in the answered queue calls.
total_talk_time Integer The total time between calls answered and calls ended.
Parameter Type Description
id String The unique ID of the call.
time String The time when the call was received.
call_from String The number and name of the caller.
queue_name String Queue name.
agent_name String Agent name and agent number.
status String Call status.
  • abandond: The call was abandoned by the caller.
  • missed: The call was eventually not answered by the agent.
  • answered: The call was answered by the agent.
ring_duration Integer The time between the call started to ring an agent and the call answered.
talk_duration Integer The time between the call answered and the call ended.
hold_duration Integer The total amount of time that the call was held.
reason String The reason why the call was not answered by the agent or why the call ended.
process_result String The process result for an abandoned or missed queue call.
  • unprocessed
  • processed
polling_attempts Integer The number of polling attempts to call an agent.
process_ext String The extension number and name of the agent that processed the abandoned or missed queue call.
process_time String The time that an agent changed the processing status of an abandoned or missed queue call.
reason_partya ~ reason_partyf String The parts of the content that are used to compose the information about the reason.
call_to String The number and name of the callee.
timestamp Integer The timestamp of the time when the call was received.
queue_num String Queue number.
agent_num String Agent number.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The item number of the returned records.
queue String The queue number.
failed_callback Integer The number of failed callbacks.
succ_callback Integer The number of successful callbacks.
request_callback Integer The total number of callbacks for which callers requested successfully.
total_received Integer The total number of calls that the queue received.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The item number of the returned records.
time String The time that the caller called to the queue.
call_from String The caller's caller ID.
callback_time String The time that the system performed the callback.
call_back_number String The callback number that the caller registered.
waiting_time Integer The time between the call started and the callback answered.
callback_result String Whether the callback is successful or not.
failed_reason String The reason why the queue failed to make the callback.
Parameter Type Description
queue_name String The queue name.
queue_num String The queue number.
satisfaction_list Array<satisfaction_list> The satisfaction details list.
agent_list Array<agent_list> The agent list of the queue.
Parameter Type Description
agent_name String The agent name.
agent_num String The agent number.
satisfaction_list Array<satisfaction_list> The satisfaction details list.
Parameter Type Description
press_key Integer The pressed key.
total Integer The total number of key pressing.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The item number of the returned records.
agent_num String Agent number.
agent_name String Agent name.
time String The time when the call was received.
call_from String The number and name of the caller.
key String The key pressed by the caller.
point Integer The corresponding score for the pressed key.
Parameter Type Description
agent_name String Agent name.
agent_number String Agent number.
login String The date and time that an agent logged in to a queue.
logout String The date and time that an agent logged out of a queue.
total_login_time Integer The elapsed time between the login time and the logout time. (Unit: Second)
Parameter Type Description
agent_name String Agent name.
agent_number String Agent number.
pause String The date and time that an agent changed status to pause.
unpause String The date and time that an agent changed status to unpause.
total_pause_time Integer The elapsed time between the paused time and the unpaused time. (Unit: Second)
total_pause Integer The total number of times that agent paused services, excluding changing pause reason.
Parameter Type Description
agent_name String Agent name.
agent_num String Agent number.
time String

The date and time that the caller called to the queue.

total_wait_time Integer The total waiting time of the incoming calls. (Unit: Second)
src_name String The caller's caller ID name.
src_num String The caller's caller ID.
queue_status String The final status of missed calls, indicating whether the missed calls were answered by other agents in the queue.
polling_attempts Integer The number of polling attempts to call an agent.
calls Integer The number of the missed calls which indicate that this is a missed call, and the value is fixed at 1.
Parameter Type Description
queue String Queue name.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue received.
answered_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue answered.
missed_calls Integer The total number of calls that queue missed.
abandoned_calls Integer The total number of calls that callers abandoned before connecting to an agent.
average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that answered calls have been waiting in the queue before being answered by agents.
average_talking_time Integer The average amount of time that agents talk to callers.
max_waiting_time Integer The maximum amount of time that callers waited in the queue, regardless of whether the calls were answered or not.
answered_rate number The percentage of answered calls in relation to the total received calls.
missed_rate number The percentage of missed calls in relation to the total received calls.
abandoned_rate number The percentage of abandoned calls in relation to the total received calls.
sla number The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the queue. SLA is the percentage of conversations answered within a pre-defined amount of time.
answered_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of the answered calls.
total_talking_time Integer The total talking time of all the answered calls.
average_handle_time Integer The average amount of time it takes agents to handle answered calls.
Note: The value of this parameter is calculated by dividing the total amount of time between the start of ringing and the end of the answered calls by the total number of the answered calls.
all_call_average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that all incoming calls have been waiting in the queue, regardless of whether they are answered or not.
answered_hold_time Integer The total amount of time that agents hold calls in the answered queue calls.
answered_call_time Integer The total amount of talking time in answered calls.
total_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of all the incoming calls.
answered_hold_time Integer The total amount of time that agents hold calls in the answered queue calls.
detail Array<agent_performance_detail> The list of agent performance details.
queue_num String Queue number.
Parameter Type Description
agent_name String Agent name.
agent_number String Agent number.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls that the agent received.
answered_calls Integer The number of calls that the agent answered.
average_waiting_time Integer The average amount of time that answered calls have been waiting in the queue before being answered by agents.
max_waiting_time Integer The maximum amount of time that callers waited in the queue, regardless of whether the calls were answered or not.
answered_waiting_time Integer The total waiting time of the answered calls.
average_talking_time Integer The average amount of time that agents talk to callers.
total_talking_time Integer The total talking time of all the answered calls.
missed_call_rate number The percentage of missed calls in relation to the total received calls.
missed_calls Integer The number of calls that the agent missed.
detail Array<agent_call_detail> The list of agent call details.
Parameter Type Description
id String The unique ID of the call.
time String The time when the call was received.
call_from String The number and name of the caller.
queue_name String Queue name.
agent_name String Agent name and agent number.
status String Call status.
Note: This parameter indicates the status of the incoming call for the agent.
  • abandond: The call was abandoned by the caller.
  • missed: The call was not answered by the agent.
  • answered: The call was answered by the agent.
ring_duration Integer The time between the call started to ring an agent and the call answered.
talk_duration Integer The time between the call answered and the call ended.
hold_duration Integer The total amount of time that the call was held.
reason String The reason why the call was not answered by the agent or why the call ended.
process_result String The process result for an abandoned or missed queue call.
  • unprocessed
  • processed
polling_attempts Integer The number of polling attempts to call an agent.
process_ext String The extension number and name of the agent that processed the abandoned or missed queue call.
process_time String The time that an agent changed the processing status of an abandoned or missed queue call.
reason_partya ~ reason_partyf String The parts of the content that are used to compose the information about the reason.
disposition String Call status.
Note: This parameter indicates the status of the incoming call for the queue.
  • answered: The call was answered by an agent in the queue.
  • no_answered: The call was not answered by any agents in the queue.
call_to String The number and name of the callee.
timestamp Integer The timestamp of the time when the call was received.
queue_num String Queue number.
agent_num String Agent number.
Parameter Type Description
agent_name String Agent name.
agent_num String Agent number.
inbound_calls Integer The number of incoming calls received by an agent.
inbound_duration Integer The amount of time an agent spent in incoming calls.
outbound_calls Integer The number of outgoing calls placed by an agent.
outbound_duration Integer The amount of time an agent spent in outgoing calls.
total_calls Integer The total number of incoming calls and outgoing calls handled by an agent.
total_duration Integer The total amount of time an agent spent in incoming calls and outgoing calls.
average_talk_duration Integer The average amount of time that agents talk to callers.
average_handle_duration Integer The average amount of time it takes agents to handle answered calls.
Note: The value of this parameter is calculated by dividing the total amount of time between the start of ringing and the end of the answered calls by the total number of the answered calls.
average_waiting_duration Integer The average amount of time that it takes for an incoming call to be distributed to an agent.
average_hold_duration Integer The average amount of time that agents held calls in the answered queue calls.
Parameter Type Description
group_name String Ring group name.
group_num String Ring group number.
answered_calls Integer The number of calls the ring group answered.
total_calls Integer The total number of calls the ring group received.
member_list Array<member_list> The information of the members in the ring group.
Parameter Type Description
ext_name String Extension name.
ext_num String Extension number.
answered_calls Integer The total number of calls that the extension answered.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The item number of the returned records.
extension String The extension number and extension name of the user who made outbound calls.
total_call Integer The total number of outbound calls made where a call rate rule is applied.
total_talk_duration Integer The total time between calls answered and calls ended.
average_talk_duration Integer The average time between calls answered and calls ended.
amount number The call cost.
Parameter Type Description
id Integer The item number of the returned records.
extension String The number and name of the extension user who made outbound calls.
time String When the outbound call was made.
call_to String The callee number.
talk_duration Integer The total time between calls answered and calls ended.
amount number The call cost.


Request example

Query the inbound call statistics of the extensions in an extension group (ID:"34") during 2022/04/01 12:00:00 AM-2022/04/15 11:59:59 PM.

Important: If you want to filter call reports by date and time, the format of start_time and end_time MUST follow the date and time display format of your PBX, otherwise the response will not return any records.
GET /openapi/v1.0/call_report/list?type=extcallstatistics&start_time=2022/04/01 12:00:00 AM&end_time=2022/04/15 11:59:59 PM&ext_id_list=34&access_token=yzp2Ty69tJTZxKtoYWMZOyvmrcbDKm5S&communication_type=Inbound HTTP/1.1  

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "SUCCESS",
    "total_number": 2,
    "ext_call_statistics_list": [
            "ext_num": "2002",
            "ext_name": "Terrell Smith",
            "answered_calls": 40,
            "no_answer_calls": 10,
            "busy_calls": 3,
            "failed_calls": 0,
            "voicemail_calls": 7,
            "total_holding_time": 472,
            "total_talking_time": 588
            "ext_num": "2005",
            "ext_name": "Kristin Hale",
            "answered_calls": 16,
            "no_answer_calls": 0,
            "busy_calls": 0,
            "failed_calls": 0,
            "voicemail_calls": 0,
            "total_holding_time": 111,
            "total_talking_time": 141