Best Practices for Disaster Recovery Planing

Best practice tips for creating a disaster recovery plan

  1. Set up system monitoring and alarm notifications.

    Set up monitoring items and create alarm rules on your cloud platform or data center.

    We suggest that you monitor the following items on your YMP server and SBC server:

    • CPU utilization
    • Network utilization (Network In & Network Out)
    • Disk performance
    • Memory utilization
  2. Schedule local backups on YMP.

    Backup Schedule is enable by default, you can adjust the backup schedule settings on YMP web interface.

  3. Prepare a secondary YMP server and a secondary SBC server in a different region.
  4. Schedule auto snapshots of the primary YMP server and primary SBC server.
    Note: Snapshot feature should be supported on the cloud platform or data center.

    If Snapshot feature is not support on the cloud platform or the data center, you need schedule external backups of YMP server.