Yeastar Cloud PBX Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery planning is critical for phone system. It protects your organization against system failure and natural disaster, and helps you to prepare for recovery from the worst. Yeastar provides several failover options to ensure that your business processes can continue in an event of a system failure or a natural disaster.

Yeastar failover options:

Yeastar provides the following disaster recovery options:

Table 1. Comparisons of Yeastar failover options
Failover Options Failover Mode Extra Costs Downtime
Local Backup & Restore Manual failover No Human & System Dependent
Snapshot Solution Manual failover Need a secondary instance/ Virtual Machine Human & System Dependent

Fast and generally in few minutes

External Backup & Restore Manual failover (with Yeastar support) Need a secondary server. Human & System Dependent

≥ 30 minutes