Upgrade SBC Firmware

If a new SBC firmware is released, you can log in the SBC server via SSH to upgrade your SBC to the latest version.

  • Make sure that your SBC server can access the Internet, or the upgrade will fail.
  • Make sure that python with version 2.7.x or later is installed on your SBC server.

    Command reference:

    • Check python version: sudo python -V
    • Install python: sudo apt-get install python-minimal
Run the following command to upgrade SBC firmware:
  1. Run command sudo python /root/yssbc/SBC_upgrade.py.
  2. Enter y to download and install the new firmware.
    root@VM-0-11-ubuntu:~# sudo python /root/yssbc/SBC_upgrade.py
    Your SBC version  is 1.5.6
    Download finish.
    rezip please wait.
    You will upgrade version from 1.5.6 to 1.5.21.Continue? [Y/n] y
If the SBC is upgraded successfully, the log will display “SBC install success!” and your current SBC version.

   SBC install success!                

Your version of SBC has been upgraded from 1.5.6 to 1.5.21