Meeting Updated

When the details of a meeting room booking is modified, the system sends an event to the third-party application.

Important: If the time of a meeting room booking is changed, instead of sending a "Meeting Updated" event, the system sends a "Meeting Deleted" event followed by a "Meeting Created" event.

Event parameters

Parameter Type Description
eventId String The unique ID of the event.
eventCreatedTime Long The time at which the event trigger occurred.
eventVersion String The API version.
eventType String The event that triggered the payload.
data Object <Details> A nested data object containing the relevant event information.
Parameter Type Description
startTime Long The start time of the meeting.
endTime Long The end time of the meeting.
roomId Long The unique ID of the meeting room.
roomName String The name of the meeting room.
meetingId String The unique ID of the meeting.

Event example

  "eventId": "b18905c2-08bc-45d7-adf7-6bb361b2cbf4",
  "eventCreatedTime": 1685430499,
  "eventVersion": "1.0",
  "eventType": "MEETING_UPDATED",
  "data": {
    "startTime": 1685431800,
    "endTime": 1685435400,
    "roomId": 2808,
    "roomName": "Meeting Room 4",
    "meetingId": "WzEsNzY0NzYsMCwxNjkwNTMzOTAwLDBd"