Query Multiple Meeting Rooms

Query the basic information of meeting rooms in bulk.

Request URL

GET {base_url}/services/openapi/v1.0/room/room_list?{query parameters}

Request parameters

Query parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
pageSize No Integer Define how many records per page.
pageNo No Integer Define which page is displayed.
buildingName No String The name of the building where the meeting room is located.
floorName No String The name of the floor where the meeting room is located.
roomIds No Array <Long> The IDs of meeting rooms.
Note: Use a comma to separate multiple IDs. For example, 1001,1002.
type No String Meeting room type.

Valid value:

  • common: Regular Meeting Room.
  • approval: Request-only Room.
  • special: Dedicated Meeting Room.
Note: Use a comma to separate multiple meeting room types. For example, common,special.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
data Object <Details> The detailed information.
status String The result of the request.
  • Success
  • Failed
requestId String The ID of the request, which can be used to quickly locate the request.
Parameter Type Description
pageSize Integer How many records are displayed per page.
pageNo Integer Which page is displayed.
total Long The total number of records.
list Array <Room_Info> The information list of the queried meeting rooms.
Parameter Type Description
roomId Long The ID of the meeting room.
name String The name of the meeting room.
buildingName String The name of the building where the meeting room is located.
buildingId Long The ID of the building where the meeting room is located.
floorName String The name of the floor where the meeting room is located.
floorId Long The ID of the floor where the meeting room is located.
capacity Integer The maximum number of people the meeting room can accommodate.
facility Array <Fac_Info> The available facilities in the meeting room.
type String Meeting room type.
  • common: Regular Meeting Room.
  • approval: Request-only Room.
  • special: Dedicated Meeting Room.
bookingMemberIds Array <Long> The member ID(s) of the user(s) with the permission to book the meeting room.
bookingGroupIds Array <Long> The ID(s) of the user group(s) with the permission to book the meeting room.
approvalmemberIds Array <Long> The member ID(s) of the user(s) that have the privilege to approve reservation requests for the meeting room.
Note: This parameter is only returned for Request-only Meeting Room.
approvalGroupIds Array <Long> The ID(s) of the user group(s) that have the privilege to approve reservation requests for the meeting room.
Note: This parameter is only returned for Request-only Meeting Room.
remark String Remark.
restrictInWorkingHours Boolean Whether the meeting room booking is restricted to the company working hours.
  • true: Enabled. The meeting room can only be booked during working hours.
  • false: Disabled. The meeting room can be booked at any time.
minDuration Integer The minimum duration that the meeting room can be reserved for (Unit: minute).
maxDuration Integer The maximum duration that the meeting room can be reserved for (Unit: minute).
Note: If the value is -1, it indicates that the duration is unlimited.
bookingWindow Integer How far in advance can the meeting room be booked (Unit: day).
repeatBooking Boolean Whether the meeting room is allowed for recurring booking.
  • true: Allowed.
  • false: Not allowed.
checkInRequired Boolean Whether check-in is required for meetings in the meeting room.
  • true: Required.
  • false: Not required.
checkInWindow Integer How far in advance can users check in to the meeting room reservations before the meeting starts (Unit: minute).
checkInPermission String Who can check in to the meeting room reservations.
  • ONLY_ORGANIZER: Organizer only.
  • ANY_PARTICIPANTS: Organizer or any participants.
checkInCount Boolean Whether meeting participant check-in is enabled for attendee counting.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
notcheckInAutoRelease Boolean Whether the meeting room will be auto-released upon check-in timeout.
  • true: Enabled. If no check-in occurs within the check-in timeout, the meeting room will be released automatically.
  • false: Disabled.
checkInTimeout Integer The check-in timeout (Unit: minute).
endPermission String Who can end the meetings.
  • ONLY_ORGANIZER: Organizer only.
  • ANY_PARTICIPANTS: Organizer or any participants.
deviceNames String The name of the smart devices that are associated with the meeting room.
displayBooking Boolean Whether users can book the meeting room on its associated Room Display.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
unoccupiedAutoRelease Boolean Whether an in-use meeting room will be auto-released if the associated People Counting Sensor continuously detects that the room is empty within the unoccupied auto-release timeout.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
unoccupiedDuration Integer Meeting room unoccupied auto-release timeout (Unit: minute).
lightOnCheckedIn Boolean Whether the associated Smart Switch will automatically turn on the lights in the meeting room when users check in.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
lightOffEnded Boolean Whether the associated Smart Switch will automatically turn off the lights in the meeting room when a meeting ends.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
lightOnOffWork Boolean Whether the associated Smart Switch will automatically turn off the lights in the meeting room during non-working hours.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
accessControl Boolean Whether access control is enabled for the meeting room.
  • true: Enabled.
  • false: Disabled.
Parameter Type Description
facilityId Long The ID of the facility.
facilityName String The name of the facility.


Request example

Query multiple meeting rooms:
  • Query meeting rooms that are located in the second floor in building "Yeastar".
  • Display 3 records per page.
  • Display Page 1.
GET /services/openapi/v1.0/room/room_list?buildingName=Yeastar&floorName=2F&pageSize=3&pageNo=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: workplace.yeastar.com
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJncmFudF90eXBlIjoiY2xpZW50X2NyZWRlbnRpYWxzIiwic2NvcGUiOlsiL29wZW5hcGkvIl0sImVudGVycHJpc2VfaWQiOjEwMDQzMywicmVnaW9uIjoiR0wiLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJST0xFX0NMSUVOVCJdLCJqdGkiOiIxMjZmM2ZkNC1jMGUxLTQ2ODYtYTM1Zi04N2FjZmZlYWY0N2IiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI3OTU2OGFhMC0wYjBkLTQyZjYtOGRiNC03OWExNmQ3MzQ3MmEiLCJ0cyI6MTY4OTY3MDI3OCwiZXhwX2luIjo4NjQwMH0.NDcE7HX3B0oP0AKsAVzGCeWEjJTNBE1oLoXBV7iCe2M

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK{
    "data": {
        "pageSize": 3,
        "pageNo": 1,
        "total": 3,
        "list": [
                "roomId": 3113,
                "name": "Meeting Room 9",
                "buildingName": "Yeastar",
                "buildingId": 29,
                "floorName": "2F",
                "type": "approval",
                "bookingMemberIds": [
                "bookingGroupIds": [],
                "approvalmemberIds": [
                "approvalGroupIds": [],
                "remark": "Request-only Meeting Room",
                "restrictInWorkingHours": true,
                "minDuration": 30,
                "maxDuration": 300,
                "bookingWindow": 365,
                "repeatBooking": true,
                "checkInRequired": true,
                "checkInWindow": 15,
                "checkInPermission": "ONLY_ORGANIZER",
                "checkInCount": true,
                "notcheckInAutoRelease": true,
                "checkInTimeout": 15,
                "endPermission": "ONLY_ORGANIZER",
                "displayBooking": false,
                "unoccupiedAutoRelease": true,
                "unoccupiedDuration": 15,
                "lightOnCheckedIn": true,
                "lightOffEnded": true,
                "lightOnOffWork": true,
                "accessControl": true
                "roomId": 2812,
                "name": "Meeting Room 8",
                "buildingName": "Yeastar",
                "buildingId": 29,
                "floorName": "2F",
                "floorId": 32,
                "capacity": 8,
                "facility": [
                        "facilityId": 145,
                        "facilityName": "Laptop Converter"
                        "facilityId": 143,
                        "facilityName": "Whiteboard"
                "type": "common",
                "bookingMemberIds": [
                "bookingGroupIds": [
                "remark": "Regular meeting room",
                "restrictInWorkingHours": true,
                "minDuration": 30,
                "maxDuration": 180,
                "bookingWindow": 365,
                "repeatBooking": true,
                "checkInRequired": true,
                "checkInWindow": 5,
                "checkInPermission": "ONLY_ORGANIZER",
                "checkInCount": true,
                "notcheckInAutoRelease": true,
                "checkInTimeout": 10,
                "endPermission": "ANY_PARTICIPANTS",
                "deviceNames": "visitor-screen 302",
                "displayBooking": true,
                "unoccupiedAutoRelease": true,
                "unoccupiedDuration": 15,
                "lightOnCheckedIn": false,
                "lightOffEnded": false,
                "lightOnOffWork": false,
                "accessControl": false
                "roomId": 2811,
                "name": "Meeting Room 7",
                "buildingName": "Yeastar",
                "buildingId": 29,
                "floorName": "2F",
                "floorId": 32,
                "type": "common",
                "bookingGroupIds": [
                "restrictInWorkingHours": true,
                "minDuration": 30,
                "maxDuration": 180,
                "bookingWindow": 365,
                "repeatBooking": true,
                "checkInRequired": true,
                "checkInWindow": 5,
                "checkInPermission": "ONLY_ORGANIZER",
                "checkInCount": false,
                "notcheckInAutoRelease": true,
                "checkInTimeout": 10,
                "endPermission": "ONLY_ORGANIZER",
                "displayBooking": true,
                "unoccupiedAutoRelease": true,
                "unoccupiedDuration": 15,
                "lightOnCheckedIn": false,
                "lightOffEnded": false,
                "lightOnOffWork": false,
                "accessControl": false
    "status": "Success",
    "requestId": "2a2c38aed19917f2d0ef88f152aa7e92"