Create QueueMetrics System Users

QueueMetrics provides Agent’s page, that is, a specialized page from which agents can log on, log off, go to pause, see processed calls and do other activities as well.

To enable the system users, you need to create a log-on for each agent that matches exactly the agent code you used in the agent definition, so e.g. for extension 5001 you would use Agent/5001.
  1. Go to Home > Edit QueueMetrics settings > Administer users, click Create New.
  2. Configure the User Detail and click Save.
    • Login: The format is Agent/{extension number}. For example, Agent/5001.
    • Password: Set a password for the user.
    • Real name: Enter the agent's name.
    • Enabled: Choose Yes.
    • Class: Choose AGENTS.
  3. To check if your changes have been successful, try to log in with the system user.