Handle Queue Calls on Linkus Desktop Client

This topic describes how to manage the messaging sessions of customer queries on Linkus Desktop Client.


  • You have logged in to Linkus Desktop Client, and logged in to your call queue.
  • Linkus Desktop Client is enabled in Ring Strategy (Path: Preferences > Presence > Ring Strategy).
  • The Call Waiting feature is enabled (Path: Preferences > Features > Call > Call Waiting).

Answer a Call

If an incoming queue call reaches your extension while you are on Linkus Desktop Client, a pop-up notification appears at the bottom-right corner of your desktop.

You can answer the call by clicking on the pop-up notification.

Record a call

Note: To implement this operation, make sure that the system administrator has granted your extension the permission to record calls.
During an active call, click (Record) on the call screen.

Hold / resume a call

You can place a queue call on hold temporarily to gather information or consult with colleagues, and resume the call when you are ready.
  • To put a call on hold, click (Hold) on the call screen during an active call.

    The caller can not communication with you, and may hear the music on hold voice.

  • To resume the call, click (Resume) on the call screen.

    You and the caller can communication with each other now.

Transfer a call

You may need to transfer calls to other departments, or colleagues if you cannot handle the issue yourself.

There are two types of call transfer:
  • Blind Transfer: Transfer an ongoing call to a third party immediately without giving him or her prior notification.
  • Attended Transfer: Put the ongoing call on hold and establish a second call with third party to pass on all relevant information and get his or her consent before transferring the call.
Perform a blind transfer
  1. During an active call, click (Transfer) on the call screen, then select Blind Transfer.

    The call is put on hold.

  2. Select the desired individuals using either of the following methods.
    • In the right-panel, select a list and click on the desired extension user or contact who you want to transfer the call to.

    • In the search bar, enter the number or the name of the extension user or contact who you want to transfer the call to, then select the desired number from the result.

    The current call is disconnected; The specified extension user or contact will receive the call. When the call is answered, the other two parties are connected.
Perform an attended transfer
  1. During an active call, click (Transfer) on the call screen, then select Attended Transfer.

    The call is put on hold.

  2. Select the desired individual using either of the following methods.
    • In the right-panel, select a list and click on the desired extension user or contact who you want to transfer the call to.

    • In the search bar, enter the number or the name of the extension user or contact who you want to transfer the call to, then select the desired number from the result.

    The specified extension user or contact will receive a call.
  3. If the specified extension user or contact answers the call, you can talk to the contact to pass on all relevant information first, then click Transfer.

    The current call is disconnected; The other two parties are connected.

Hang up a call

You can end the call once you have successfully address the caller's concerns or completed the necessary actions.

To hang up a call, click in the call screen.