Set up No-IP DDNS on Yeastar K2 IPPBX

If your ISP doesn't provide a static public IP address for you, you can create a No-IP DDNS account, and set up DDNS on Yeastar K2 IPPBX.

Step 1. Create a No-IP account

  1. Go to the No-IP Sign Up page.
  2. On the new account form, fill in the required fields.
    • Email: Enter your email address as the No-IP account.
    • Password: Set the password of the No-IP account.
    • Hostname: Select your desired domain name, and enter your desired hostname.

  3. At the bottom of the page, click Free Sign Up.

    No-IP will send a confirmation email to your email address.

Step 2. Confirm your No-IP account

Check your email from No-IP, click Confirm Account. Your No-IP account is activated.

Step 3. Set up No-IP DDNS on PBX

  1. Log in the PBX web interface, go to Settings > System > Network > DDNS Settings.
  2. Select the checkbox of Enable DDNS.
  3. In the DDNS Server drop-down list, select
  4. Enter your No-IP account information and the fully qualified domain name.
  5. Click Save and Apply.

Step 4. Set up Port Forwarding and NAT

  • If your PBX is behind a router, you need to set up Port Forwarding on the router to allow external devices to access to the PBX.
  • To ensure that the external traffic packets can be sent to the correct destination, you need to set NAT on your PBX.
    Important: To enhance the security of your PBX, we suggest you to change the default ports.
    Table 1. Common ports on Yeastar K2 IPPBX
    Service Default Port
    Web 8088
    SIP 5060
    Linkus 8111
    RTP 10000-12000
Tip: To verify that you have set up your router correctly, you can visit the website

Step 5. Check the DDNS connection

To check the connection of an external device from the Internet, enter the domain name and external port to access the PBX.

Example: Access PBX by DDNS

On a PC that is NOT in the PBX's network, enter the domain name and external web port to access the PBX web interface.

Example: Register a remote extension by DDNS

On an IP phone that is NOT in the PBX's network, enter the domain name and external SIP port to register a remote extension.