CDR Report

CDR is raw data of all call activities. Records of all calls from the beginning to the end will be kept. When a call is released, the PBX will send a report to the application server in real time.

Report Parameters

Name Type Description
cdrid String The CDR ID.
timestart String The start time of the call.
callfrom String The caller number.
callto String The callee number.
callduraction String The call duration.
talkduraction String The talk duration.
srctrunkname String The name of the source trunk.
desttrunkname String The name of the destination trunk.
status String Call status.
type String The call type.
pincode Int The password.
recording String The name of the call recording file.
didnumber String The number that the caller dials in.
agentringtime String The time duration between when the agent receives a call to when the agent answers the call.
sn String The PBX's serial number.

Report Examples

Extension 1001 calls to Extension 1005.

User-Agent: WebAPI

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "action": "NewCdr",
    "callid": "1547391782.318",
    "timestart": "2019-01-13 23:03:02",
    "callfrom": "1001",
    "callto": "1005",
    "callduraction": "21",
    "talkduraction": "10",
    "status": "ANSWERED",
    "type": "Internal",
    "sn": "369362089179"

Extension 1005 calls to external number 9283737733.

User-Agent: WebAPI

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "action": "NewCdr",
    "callid": "1547392142.330",
    "timestart": "2019-01-13 23:09:02",
    "callfrom": "1005",
    "callto": "9283737733",
    "desttrunkname": "SPS-6-36",
    "callduraction": "6",
    "talkduraction": "3",
    "status": "ANSWERED",
    "type": "Outbound",
    "sn": "369362089179"

External user 1277378812 calls to Extension 1005.

User-Agent: WebAPI

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "action": "NewCdr",
    "callid": "1547392256.333",
    "timestart": "2019-01-13 23:10:56",
    "callfrom": "1277378812",
    "callto": "1005",
    "srctrunkname": "SPS-6-36",
    "callduraction": "11",
    "talkduraction": "4",
    "status": "ANSWERED",
    "type": "Inbound",
    "didnumber": "1005",
    "sn": "369362089179"