'Call Failure' Report

Generally, call failure event will appear in the response message of the API request. In certain circumstances, the PBX will send the report. Call failure is defined as calls that are failed to connect. Failure of calls initiated manually and by the API will both be reported.

Report Parameters

Name Type Description
action String Call failed.
reason String Call failure reason.
  • 404 NOT found: Invalid callee number.
  • 480 Temporarily unavailable: Call is not answered
  • 484 Address Incomplete: Incorrect format of callee number.
  • 486 Busy Here: Declined by the callee
  • 487 Request Terminated: The caller disconnects the call after the call is established.
  • 603 Declined: The call is timed out.
callid String A unique identifier of the call.
ext String extension object.
extid String The extension number.


String Object parameter.


String The inbound ID / outbound ID.
from String The caller number.
to String The callee number.
trunk String The name of the trunk that has been used.
sn String The PBX's serial number.

Report Examples

User-Agent: WebAPI

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "action": "CallFailed",
    "reason": "486 Busy Here",
    "callid": "1536976927.37",
    "outbound": {
        "from": "1002",
        "to": "70871520926",
        "trunk": "Wanatel-1",
        "outboundid": "1536976927.38"
    "ext": {
        "extid": "1002"
    "sn": "369351034049"