1) Create & Attach a Cloud Disk to YMP Instance

You can create a cloud disk to work as a data disk to store recording files.

Important: Do NOT place any other files to the cloud disk, or your recording files will be lost.
  1. Create a cloud disk.
    Note: Make sure that the cloud disk and YMP instance are in the same region and zone.
    1. Log on to the ECS console.
    2. In the left-side navigation pane, select Block Storage > Disks.
    3. In the upper-right corner of the Disk List page, click Create Disk.
    4. On the Cloud Disk page, configure the disk settings.
      • Region: Select the same region and zone as YMP instance.
      • Cloud Disk: Select Ultra Cloud Disk and specify the disk size.
        Restriction: Minimum 50GB Storage Capacity.
        Note: 1 GB (Storage Capacity) = 1000 minutes (Recording Time)
        • Quantity: Set to 1.
        • Disk Name: Specify the disk name to help you identify it.
      • Terms of Service: Check the option ECS Service Level Agreement.
    5. Click Preview to check the information.
    6. Click Create to confirm your order and make the payment.
    Go back to the Disks page and refresh it, the new cloud disk will be displayed.
  2. Attach the new create cloud disk to the YMP instance.
    1. On the Disk page, find the cloud disk, and in the Actions column, select More > Mount.
    2. In the dialog box, complete the following configurations and click Mount.
      • Target Instance: Select the YMP instance.
      • Release Mode: Do not check the option Release Disk with Instance and Delete Automatic Snapshots While Releasing Disk.
    3. Refresh the disk list.

      When the status of the cloud disk is In Use, the attachment is successful.

  3. After you create and attach a new disk to YMP instance, you must format and mount the disk to make the disk ready for use.