Step4. Create a ECS Instance for YMP

Create an ECS instance for YMP by using an existing Ubuntu image.

  1. Log on to the ECS console.
  2. On the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
  3. On the Instance List page, click Create Instance.
  4. Set the Basic Configurations.
    1. Select the Billing Method.
      • Subscription: A prepaid method that allows you to use an instance only after you make the payment for it
      • Pay-As-You-Go: A postpaid method in which you can pay after using the instance.
      For more information about the billing methods, see Purchase ECS instances.
    2. Select the Region as the VPC region.
    3. In theInstance Type section, set the following options, and select one instance type from the list.
      Refer to Recommended Instance Type - Alibaba Cloud to decide which instance to choose.
      • Network Type: VPC
      • Architecture: x86-Architecture
      • Category: Compute
    4. Set the Image as Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.
    5. Set the Storage.
  5. Click Next Step: Networking, set the Networking settings.
    1. Set the Network as VPC, and select the created VPC.
    2. In the Network Billing Method section, do NOT check the option Assign public IP.
    3. Select the security group that is created for the VPC.
  6. Click Next Step: System Configurations, set the System Configurations.
    1. Set the Log on Credentials. You can select a password or an SSH key pair as a credential for a Linux instance.
    2. Specify the instance name, which is displayed in the ECS console, and the host name, which is displayed inside the guest operating system.
  7. Click Next Step: Grouping. You can add tags to the instance to simplify future management.
  8. Click Next Step: Preview to confirm your order.
  9. Click Create Order and activate the instance.

    When the instance is activated, you can go to the ECS console to view the instance details.