Step1. Create the VPC

Create one VPC that will contain SBC server and YMP server.

  1. Log on the VPC console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click VPC.
  3. Choose the region where the VPC is located.
  4. In the upper-right corner, click Create VPC.
  5. Set the VPC Name and select the CIDR. We recommend the CIDR
    Restriction: The IP segments and are NOT allowed.
  6. Click Create VPC.
  7. Click Next Step.
  8. Set the VSwitch.
    1. Set the Name.
    2. Select an available Zone. The VPC is only available in the selected zone.
    3. Set the CIDR as
  9. Click Create VSwitch and click Done.
  10. On the VPC list page, click the VPC ID.
  11. Click VRouters, you will see the two auto generated routers for the VPC.