Yeastar Central Management

Release date: January 4, 2023
Important: You should upgrade the servers in the order of SBC Server > SBC Proxy Server > PBXHub Server > YCM Server.


Added support for checking current firmware version of Yeastar Central Management on the dashboard.
Cloud PBX
Added support for directly selecting one or more P-Series Cloud PBXs from the list for firmware upgrading.

For more information, see Upgrade Firmware of P-Series Cloud PBXs.
Added support for specifying the hosting users who can view specific firmwares of P-Series Cloud PBX. In this way, only the specified hosting users as well as their resellers and PBX administrators can check the specified firmwares.

For more information, see Allow Firmware Detection of P-Series Cloud PBX.
Application Programming Interface (API)
Feature Details
Subscription Added Added API interfaces for subscription feature. With the API interfaces, the followings can be implemented:
  • Query the subscription of P-Series Hosting Package.
  • Query the P-Series Cloud Edition Feature Plan statistics.
Cloud PBX Optimized Updated the API interface of "Query all the P-Series Cloud PBXs" to version 2.0.

The updated API interface is /dm/open_api/v2/cloud_pbx/instances.

Added Added API interfaces for Cloud PBX. With the API interfaces, the followings can be implemented:
  • Query the detailed information, activation status, running status, or associated customers of a P-Series Cloud PBX.
  • Update information or associated customers of a P-Series Cloud PBX.
  • Resize the capacity of a P-Series Cloud PBX.
  • Create a P-Series Cloud PBX.
  • Send PBX activation emails.
  • Start or Stop a P-Series Cloud PBX.
  • Delete one or more P-Series Cloud PBXs.
Cluster Added Added API interfaces for cluster server. With the API interfaces, the followings can be implemented:
  • Query available regions.
  • Query available domain names.
Customer Added Added API interfaces for customer. With the API interfaces, the followings can be implemented:
  • Query all the customers or a specific customer.
  • Create or update a customer.
  • Delete one or more customers.
YCM User Optimized Updated the API interface of "Query all the YCM users" to version 2.0.

The updated API interface is /dm/open_api/v2/users.

Added Added API interfaces for YCM user. With the API interfaces, the followings can be implemented:
  • Query the detailed information or subscription of a YCM user.
  • Create a YCM user.
  • Send an account activation email.
  • Update the information or subscription of a YCM user.
  • Delete one or more YCM users.
Firmware Added Added an API interface for querying available firmware versions.
Backup Files Added Added API interfaces for backup files. With the API interfaces, the followings can be implemented:
  • Query all the backup files.
  • Restore a backup to a P-Series Cloud PBX.
  • Query the restore status of a P-Series Cloud PBX.
For more information, see Yeastar Central Management Developer Guide.