Multi-party Call

This topic introduces the functionalities and implementation methods related to multi-party call of 'Linkus SDK for Android'.

Make a multi-party call

 * Make a multi-party call
public void makeMultipartyCall(String number, String trunkName, String route, Activity activity, Object obj)

Remove a member

 * Remove a member from the current multi-party call 
 * @return
public void hangUpSingleCall(Context context, int callId)

Mute or unmute a member

 * Mute or unmute a member in a multi-party call 
public void muteSingleMember(InCallVo inCallVo)

Query information related to multi-party calls

 * Retrieve the array of callID for all calls in a multi-party call.
public int[] getCallIdArrays()

 * Retrieve the array of callID for all the muted calls in a multi-party call.
public int[] getMuteArrays()

 * Retrieve the array of callID for all the held calls in a multi-party call.
public int[] getHoldArrays()

 * Query whether the current call is a multi-party call.
 * @return
public boolean isInMultipartyCall()

 * Set whether the current call is a multi-party call.
 * @param inMultipartyCall
public void setInMultipartyCall(boolean inMultipartyCall)

 * Query whether all calls in a multi-party call are on hold.
 * @return
public boolean isInMultipartyHold()

 * Retrieve the start time of a held call in a multi-party call.
 * @return
public long getMultipartyHoldStartTime()

 * Query whether all calls in a multi-party call are muted.
 * @return
public boolean isMultipartyMute()

 * Whether to mute all the members in a multi-party call.
 * @param multipartyMute
public void setMultipartyMute(boolean multipartyMute)

 * Retrieve the start time of a multi-party call.
 * @return
public long getMultipartyCallStartTime()

 * Query whether the multi-party call limit (4 calls) has been reached.
 * @return
public boolean reachMultiPartyCallsLimit()

 * Query whether a multi-party call is being recorded.
 * @return
public boolean isMultipartyCallRecord(LinkedList<InCallVo> list)

 * Query whether recording is available for a multi-party call.
 * @return
public boolean isMultiPartyCallRecordAble()

 * Query whether recording is disabled for a multi-party call.
 * @return
public boolean isMultiPartyCallAlwaysRecordDisable()