Enable Shared Wrap-up Time Among Multiple Queues

With shared wrap-up time feature, agents who belong to multiple queues will have sufficient time to complete post-call processing after finishing a call, avoiding receiving new calls from other queues during wrap-up time period. This topic describes how to enable shared wrap-up time among multiple queues.


The firmware version of PBX server is or later.


  1. Log in to PBX web portal, go to Call Features > Queue.
  2. On the top of the queue list, click Options.
  3. In the pop-up window, select the checkbox of Shared Wrap-up Time Across Multiple Queues.

  4. Click Save and Apply.


When an agent who belongs to multiple queues finishes a call in one queue, the wrap-up time configured in that queue will be applied across all queues associated with this agent, the agent will not receive new calls from other queues during this wrap-up period.


We provide an example to demonstrate the effect if the shared wrap-up time is enabled.

In this example, we have an agent A belongs to Queue-1 and Queue-2, and Call-1 from Queue-1, Call-2 from Queue-2.

  1. A call (call-1) comes into Queue-1, and agent A answers call-1.
  2. After finishing call-1, agent A enters a wrap-up period in Queue-1.
  3. A second call (call-2) comes into Queue-2 during agent A's wrap-up time.
  4. If call-2 is routed to agent A, it will wait until the shared wrap-up time ends (which is configured in Queue-1 and shared across Queue-2 for agent A). Then call-2 will ring to alert agent A to answer it.