Step5. Create an Instance for YMP Server

Create an instance for YMP server from the Google public image Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  1. Go to the VM instance page.
  2. Select your project and click Continue.
  3. Select an Image for the instance.
    1. Click Image on the left-side navigation, type ubuntu-1604-xenial to search the image.
    2. Click Show deprecated images to show all the relevant images.
    3. Select the image ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20180306.
  4. On the instance configuration page, set the instance for your YMP server.
    1. Specify a Name for the YMP instance.
    2. Select the Zone to the same zone as your VPC network.
    3. Select a Machine type for the YMP instance.
      Refer to the YMP system requirements to decide which machine type to choose.
    4. Set the Firewall.
      1. Click Management, disk, networking, SSH key > Networking.
      2. Set the Network tags.
        Note: Required option. This network tag will be used when configuring the VPC route.
      3. Edit Network interfaces, set Network as your VPC network.
      4. Set External IP to None.
      5. Set IP forwarding to On.
      6. Click Done.
  5. Click Create to create and start the instance.