Initialize Linkus SDK for Android
Before using the 'Linkus SDK for Android', you need to initialize it to launch the core services and components. 'Linkus SDK for Android' supports default initialization and custom initialization.
You have integrated 'Linkus SDK for Android' with your Android project.
Initialization can only be performed once and must be performed in the main process.Background information
- Default configuration of 'Linkus SDK for Android'
- The following table shows the general configuration items and their default
values or settings for the 'Linkus SDK for Android'.
Configuration Item Default Value / Setting Audio Codec iLBC Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Disabled Echo Cancellation (EC) Disabled Audio Debugging Disabled Noise Cancellation (NC) Enabled Call Waiting Enabled
- Initialization options
'Linkus SDK for Android' supports default initialization and custom initialization. Choose either of the following ways to initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android'.
- Default initialization: Initialize 'Linkus SDK for
Android' with the default configuration, no additional
settings are required.
For more information, see Initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android' with the default configuration.
- Custom initialization: Initialize 'Linkus SDK for
Android' with the following custom configuration items.
- Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
- Echo Cancellation (EC)
- Noise Cancellation (NC)
- Call Waiting
- Storage location for Linkus SDK data
For more information, see Initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android' with custom configuration.
- Default initialization: Initialize 'Linkus SDK for
Android' with the default configuration, no additional
settings are required.
Initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android' with the default configuration
- Method
Call the following method within
of the project to initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android' with the default configuration.YlsBaseManager.getInstance().initYlsSDK(this, null);
- Sample code
Initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android' with custom configuration
- Method
Call the following method within
of the project to customize the configuration items for 'Linkus SDK for Android' and initialize it.YlsInitConfig config = new YlsInitConfig.Builder(projectPath)// Specify the storage location for Linkus SDK data (including logs) .supportCallWaiting(true)// Decide whether to enable Call Waiting. true:Enable; false:Disable .agc(true)// Decide whether to enable Automatic Gain Control (AGC). true:Enable; false:Disable .ec(true)// Decide whether to enable Echo Cancellation (EC). true:Enable; false:Disable .nc(true)// Decide whether to enable Noise Cancellation (NC). true:Enable; false:Disable .key("")// Optional. Specify the password for accessing database .build();// Initialize 'Linkus SDK for Android' with the configurations above YlsBaseManager.getInstance().initYlsSDK(this, config);
- Sample code
What to do next
Request the SDK login signature from PBX server for authentication and login to 'Linkus SDK for Android'.
For more information, see Obtain Login Signature for 'Linkus SDK for Android'.