Call Detailed Record (CDR)
This topic introduces the functionalities and implementation methods related to Call Detailed Record (CDR) of 'Linkus SDK for Android'.
Retrieve CDR records
* Retrieve the specified number of CDR records
* @param limit:Specify the number of CDR records that you want to retrieve
* @return
public List<CdrVo> getCdrList(int limit);
List<CdrVo> cdrVoList = YlsCallLogManager.getInstance().getCdrList(1000);
Delete specific CDR records
* @param cdrIds:IDs of the CDR records that need to be deleted, separate multiple IDs by ','
* @return
public int deleteCdr(String cdrIds)
Delete all CDR records
* @return
public int deleteAllCdr()
btnCdrClear.setOnClickListener(v -> YlsCallLogManager.getInstance().deleteAllCdr());
Query the number of missed calls
* @return
public int getMissCallCdrCount();
Mark all unread CDR records as read
* @return
public void readAllCdr()