Import Parameters - Extensions

Descriptions for the Extension parameters that you can import to Yeastar K2 IPPBX.

Parameter Description Importance Restriction Default Value
type Extension Type Required Permitted value:


username Extension Number Required Only numbers are allowed.

The maximum length is 7.

registerpassword Registration Password Required

Only alphanumeric characters and the following special characters are allowed:

~ ^ * - _ ?

Note: The password will be generated randomly if you leave this field empty.
Strong password is required by default.
  • Must contain non-consecutive numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Do not contain "Extension" and "Caller ID Name" of this extension.
  • The password length should be longer than 16.

If Weak password is enabled:

  • Must contain numbers and both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • The password length should be longer than 8.
Generate Randomly
fullname Caller ID name Required The following characters are NOT allowed:

! % . @ : ; & " ' \ < > ` $

callerid Caller ID Required Only alphanumeric characters are allowed. The maximum length is 31. N/A
registername Registration Name Required Only alphanumeric characters are allowed. The maximum length is 31. N/A
maxregistrations Concurrent Registration Required Permitted value:

1 2 3 4 5

loginpassword User Password for extension users to log into PBX. It is also the password for extension users to log into Linkus. Required

Only alphanumeric characters and the following special characters are allowed:

~ ^ * - _ ?

Note: The password will be generated randomly if you leave this field empty.

Strong password is required by default.

  • Must contain non-consecutive numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Do not contain "Extension" and "Caller ID Name" of this extension.
  • The password length should be longer than 10.

If Weak password is enabled:

  • Must contain numbers and both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • The minimum length is 6.
Generate Randomly
email Extension user's email address Optional Must be email address format. Space and # ; , [ ] = & " ' \ < > ` $ are NOT allowed. N/A
mobile Extension user's mobile number Optional Only numbers are allowed. N/A
hasvoicemail Enable Voicemail Optional Permitted value:

yes no

enablevmtoemail Send Voicemail to Email Required Permitted value:

yes no

vmsecret Voicemail PIN Required Only numbers are allowed.

The maximum length is 63.

allowbeingspy Allow Being Monitored Required Permitted value:

yes no

spymode Monitor Mode Required Permitted value:

none generalspy normalspy wisperspy bargespy

ringtimeout Ring Timeout(s) Required Permitted value:

15 30 60 120 300

maxduration Max Call Duration(s) Required Permitted value:

60 300 600 900 1800 3600 6000 0 -1

  • 0 means use system default setting.
  • -1 means unlimited.
dnd Do Not Disturb Required Permitted value:

yes no

sendmailnotify Send email notification when extension user password is changed Required Permitted value:

yes no

nat NAT Required Permitted value:

yes no

qualify Qualify Required Permitted value:

yes no

remoteregister Register Remotely Required Permitted value:

yes no

enablesrtp Enable SRTP Required Permitted value:

yes no

t38support T.38 Support Required Permitted value:

yes no

dtmfmode DTMF Mode Required Permitted value:

rfc4733 info inband auto

transport Transport Required Permitted value:

udp tcp tls
