Import Parameters - Contacts

Descriptions for the Contacts parameters that you can import to Yeastar Cloud PBX.

Note: First Name and at least one of the following numbers are required.
  • Work Number
  • Work Number 2
  • Mobile
  • Mobile 2
  • Home
  • Home 2
Parameter Importance Restriction
First Name Required The maximum length is 255.
Last Name Optional The maximum length is 255.
Email Optional Must be email address format.

The maximum length is 255.

Company Optional

The maximum length is 255.

Work Number Optional Only numbers, space, and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.

The maximum length is 31.

Work Number 2 Optional Only numbers, space, and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.

The maximum length is 31.

Work Fax Optional Only numbers and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.
Mobile Optional Only numbers, space, and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.

The maximum length is 31.

Mobile 2 Optional Only numbers, space, and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.

The maximum length is 31.

Home Optional Only numbers, space, and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.

The maximum length is 31.

Home 2 Optional Only numbers, space, and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.

The maximum length is 31.

Home Fax Optional Only numbers and the following characters are allowed: ( ) . - +.
Other Optional The maximum length is 1024.
ZIP Code Optional The maximum length is 255.
Street Optional The maximum length is 255.
City Optional The maximum length is 255.
State Optional The maximum length is 255.
Country Optional The maximum length is 255.