Modify an Extension
Configure the settings of an individual extension, such as extension number, name, concurrent registrations, email address, mobility extension, etc.
POST /api/v1.1.0/extension/update?token={token}
Request Parameters
Name | Importance | Type | Description |
extid |
Required | Int | The extension number of the extension to be configured. |
extnumber |
Optional | Int | The extension number. |
username |
Optional | String | The user's name. Letters and digits, maximum length 31. Could be blank. |
callerid |
Optional | String | Caller ID.. Letters and digits, maximum length 31. Could be blank. |
registername |
Optional | String | The registration name. Letters and digits, maximum length 31. Cannot be blank. |
registerpassword |
Optional | String | The registration password. ;&"'\<>` | are invalid for password. Neither is space valid. Maximum length is 31. Cannot be blank. |
maxregistrations |
Optional | Int | Allowed maximum concurrent registrations. A range from 1 to 5. |
loginpassword |
Optional | String | The login password. ;&"'\<>` | are invalid for password. Neither is space valid. Length from 6 to 63. |
email |
Optional | String | The email address. |
mobile |
Optional | String | The mobile number. Digits. Maximum length is 31.When calls are set to be forwarded to the extension's associated mobile number or when Mobility Extension is enabled, this cannot be blank. |
hasvoicemail |
Optional | String | Enable or disable Voicemail feature.
vmsecret |
Optional | Int | The voicemail password. Digits. Maximum length is 63. |
enablevmtoemail |
Optional | String | Whether to enable Send Voicemail to Email feature or not.
alwaysforward |
Optional | String | Enable or disable Always Call Forwarding feature.
atransferto |
Optional | String | Always call forwarding destination.
atransferext |
Optional | String | The extension ID, when the forward destination is extension. |
atransferprefix |
Optional | String | The outbound calls prefix, when the forward destination is a custom number or
the extension's associated mobile number. Maximum length is 7. |
atransfernum |
Optional | String | The number of the outbound call, when the forward destination is a custom
number or the extension's associated mobile number. Maximum length is 15. The forward destination Custom Number can't be blank. |
noanswerforward |
Optional | String | Enable or disable No Answer Call Forwarding feature.
ntransferto |
Optional | String | No answer call forwarding destination.
ntransferext |
Optional | String | The extension ID, when the forward destination is extension. |
ntransferprefix |
Optional | String | The outbound calls prefix, when the forward destination is a custom number or
the extension's associated mobile number. Maximum length is 15. The forward destination Custom Number can't be blank. |
ntransfernum |
Optional | String | The number of the outbound call, when the forward destination is a custom
number or the extension's associated mobile number. Maximum length is 15. Cannot be blank. |
busyforward |
Optional | String | Enable or disable When Busy Call Forwarding feature.
btransferto |
Optional | String | When Busy call forwarding destination.
btransferext |
Optional | String | The extension ID, when the forward destination is extension. |
btransferprefix |
Optional | String | The outbound calls prefix, when the forward destination is a custom number or
the extension's associated mobile number. Maximum length is 15. The forward destination Custom Number can't be blank. |
btransfernum |
Optional | String | The number of the outbound call, when the forward destination is a custom
number or the extension's associated mobile number. Maximum length is 15. Cannot be blank. |
allowbeingmonitored |
Optional | String | Allow being monitored.
monitormode |
Optional | String | The monitor mode.
ringtimeout |
Optional | String | The ring timeout in seconds.
maxduration |
Optional | String | The maximum call duration allowed in seconds.
dnd |
Optional | String | Enable or disable DND feature.
callrestriction |
Optional | String | Enable or disable outbound dialing restriction.
agentid |
Optional | String | The agent ID to be announced in the greeting prompt. If left null, the extension number will be announced instead. It is null by default. |
selectoutroute |
Optional | String | Select an outbound route for the extension from the unselectoutroute list. The maximum length of selectoutroute is 4096. |
Request ExamplePOST /api/v1.1.0/extension/update?token=277ac400357b509b4a587ff2157f7ad5 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8 Host: { "extid": "1002", "username": "Amy" }Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-control-allow-origin: * Access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE { "status": "Success" }