API Demo

Yeastar provides an API demo and sample configurations for you to test the API functions with Yeastar K2 VoIP PBX.

Download API Demo

Click here to download the API demo.

How to Use API Demo

  1. Unzip the downloaded API demo.
  2. Double click the exe file.
  3. Access the PBX via API interface.
    1. Enter the login settings according to your PBX information.

      • Version:
      • API Request: Choose login.
    2. In the left-side Text Box, change the API username and password according to the API settings on your PBX.
    3. Click Send Request to log in the PBX.

      If logging in successfully, the status will show "Success".

  4. Test API request.
    1. Change the API Request type.
    2. In the left-side Text Box, change the API request information according to your PBX settings.
    3. Click Send Request.
  5. Receive API reports from the PBX.

    At the top of the windows, click Start the Server to receive API reports.