Step1. Connect Yeastar Cloud PBX and

  1. On Yeastar Cloud PBX, create an Account Trunk.
    1. Go to Settings > Trunks, click Add.
    2. Set the trunk as an Account trunk.

      • Name: Set a name to help you identify it.
      • Trunk Status: Choose Enabled.
      • Protocol: Choose SIP.
      • Trunk Type: Choose Account Trunk.
      • Transport: Choose UDP.
      • Username: Use the default or change the number.
      • Password: Use the default or change the password.
      • Authentication Name: Set to the same as the Username.
    3. Click Save and Apply.
  2. On Yeastar , create a Register Trunk.
    1. Go to Settings > Trunks, click Add.
    2. Set the trunk to a Register trunk.

      • Name: Set a name to help you identify it.
      • Trunk Status: Enabled.
      • Protocol: SIP.
      • Trunk Type: Register Trunk.
      • Template: General
      • Transport: UDP
      • Hostname/IP: Enter the domain or IP address of the Yeastar Cloud PBX, and SIP port of Yeastar Cloud PBX.
      • Domain: Enter the domain or IP address of the Yeastar Cloud PBX.
      • Username: Enter the Username of Account Trunk that is created on Yeastar Cloud PBX.
      • Password: Enter the Password of Account Trunk that is created on Yeastar Cloud PBX.
      • Authentication Name: Enter the Authentication Name of Account Trunk that is created on Yeastar Cloud PBX.
    3. Click Save and Apply.
  3. Check the connection status.
    1. On the Yeastar , go to PBX Monitor to check the trunk status. If the connection is successful, the status will show .

    2. On the Yeastar Cloud PBX, go to PBX Monitor to check the trunk status.If the connection is successful, the status will show .