Error Code

Check the error code and error message when using API.

Common error

Table 1.
Error Code Error Message Description
1000001 SERVER_ERROR Internal server error.
1000002 AUTHENTICATION_FAILED The authentication is failed.
Tip: Check if you entered the client ID and client secret correctly.
1000004 INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is invalid.
Tip: Check if you missed a required field.
1000005 DATA_NOT_FOUND The data is not found.
1000007 DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS The data already exists.
1000008 UPLOAD_FILE_FAILED The file uploading is failed.
1000010 INVALID_VERIFICATION_CODE The verification code is invalid.
1000011 SESSION_EXPIRED The session is expired.
1000012 DATABASE_ERROR Database server error.
1000013 EMAIL_LOAD_FAILED Email loading is failed.
1000015 USER_NOT_FOUND The user is not found.
1000017 SEND_TEST_EMAIL_FAILED The email sending test is failed.
1000018 ILLEGAL_WEBSOCKET_SUBSCRIPTION The websocket subscription is illegal.
1000019 EMAIL_ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS The email address already exists.
1000024 CONFIGURATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND The configuration file is not found.
1000027 CMD_EXEC_ERROR Command execution error.
1000028 EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND The email template is not found.
1000029 SEND_EMAIL_FAILED Email delivery is failed.
1000030 LOCK_HAS_RELEASED_BY_OTHER_THREAD The database lock has been released by other threads.
1000031 INVALID_LOCK_TIME The lock time is invalid.
1000033 INVALID_CLIENT The client is invalid.
1000035 TOKEN_EXPIRED The token has expired.
1000036 INVALID_TOKEN The token is invalid.
1000040 RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The times of API request reaches the limit.
1000042 ACCESS_DENIED The access request is denied.
1000043 PERMISSION_DENIED Do not have the permission for the operation.

YCM User

Table 2.
Error Code Error Message Description
3000009 API_REQUEST_FAILED API request is failed.
3000014 USER_ASSOCIATED_CLOUD_PBX The user account can not be deleted as there exists associated Cloud PBX(s).
3000025 USER_HAS_BEEN_ACTIVATED The user account has already been activated.
3000028 INVALID_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_SUBSCRIPTION Fail to enable the High Availability service as there does not exist valid service subscription.
3000029 NOT_ALLOW_REDUCE_RECORDING_CAPACITY Not allowed to reduce the call recording capacity.

Cloud PBX

Table 3.
Error Code Error Message Description
7000003 CLOUD_PBX_URL_OCCUPIED The Cloud PBX URL is occupied.
7000005 CLOUD_PBX_NOT_FOUND The Cloud PBX is not found.
7000006 CLOUD_PBX_HAS_BEEN_ACTIVATED The Cloud PBX has already been activated.
7000011 ONLY_ALLOW_FUTURE_DATES The expiration date of the Cloud PBX can only be a future date.
7000012 CLOUD_PBX_PLAN_EXPIRED The plan subscription of Cloud PBX has expired.
7000014 CLOUD_PBX_IS_NOT_RUN The Cloud PBX is not in running status.
7000016 CLOUD_PBX_CREATE_FAILED Fail to create the Cloud PBX.
7000023 CLOUD_PBX_PENDING_PAYMENET_EXIST Fail to resize the capacity of the Cloud PBX as it is under plan upgrading.
7000024 CLOUD_PBX_IS_RESIZING Fail to resize the capacity of the Cloud PBX as it is under system capacity expanding.
7000025 NOT_ALLOW_REDUCE_RECORDING_CAPACITY Not allowed to reduce the call recording capacity.
7000033 REACHED_MAX_CUSTOMER_LIMITATION The number of customers reaches the maximum limit.
7000034 CLOUD_PBX_DELETE_FAILED Fail to delete the Cloud PBX.
7000037 INVALID_CUSTOMER_NAME The customer name is null.
Tip: Check if you have set either last name or first name for the customer.
7000038 CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND The customer is not found.
7000039 CLOUD_PBX_CUSTOMER_NOT_ALLOW_DELETE Do not have the permission to delete the customer.
7000040 CUSTOMER_ASSOCIATED_CLOUD_PBX The customer can not be deleted as there exists associated Cloud PBX(s).
7000041 CLOUD_PBX_CUSTOMER_NOT_ALLOW_OPERATE Do not have the permission to edit the customer.
7000045 CLOUD_PBX_RESTORE_FAILED The restore operation for the Cloud PBX is failed.
7000049 CLOUD_PBX_BEING_RESTORED The Cloud PBX is under restoring.
7000053 CLOUD_PBX_ACTIVATION_LINK_REFRESH_FAILED Fail to refresh the Cloud PBX activation link.
7000054 INVALID_CLOUD_PBX_URL Invalid Cloud PBX URL.
7000055 CLOUDPBX_PORT_ALLOCATE_NO_ENOUGH The number of available PBX ports is insufficient.
7000056 PBX_HUB_NO_INSTALL_PBX_IMAGE The PBX firmware is not available.
7000061 RESIZE_CLOUD_PBX_CAPACITY_FAILED Fail to resize the Cloud PBX capacity.
7000062 MODIFY_CLOUD_PBX_UPGRADE_STATUS_FAILED Fail to change the status of Allow to Upgrade from the PBX Side switch.
7000065 REACHED_MAX_CALL_RECORDING_CAPACITY_LIMITATION Call recording capacity reaches the maximum limit.
7000067 AVAILABLE_PBX_HUB_NOT_EXISTS There is no available PBXHub Server.
7000068 PBX_HUB_SYSTEM_DISK_NO_ENOUGH The storage capacity of the PBXHub Server system disk is insufficient.
7000069 PBX_HUB_DATA_DISK_NO_ENOUGH The storage capacity of the PBXHub Server data disk is insufficient.
7000070 PBX_HUB_RECORDING_DISK_NO_ENOUGH The call recording storage capacity of the PBXHub Server is insufficient.
7000071 PBX_HUB_MEMORY_NO_ENOUGH The memory capacity of the PBXHub Server is insufficient.
7000073 OTHER_CLUSTER_ERROR Other Cluster error.
7000080 PBX_HUB_CAPACITY_NOT_ENOUGH The PBXHub Server capacity is insufficient.
7000081 PBX_HUB_CONCURRENT_CALLS_NOT_ENOUGH The available concurrent call capacity of PBXHub Server is insufficient.
7000082 PBX_HUB_EXTENSIONS_NOT_ENOUGH The available extension capacity of the PBXHub Server is insufficient.
7000083 PBX_HUB_PBX_COUNTS_NOT_ENOUGH The available number of Cloud PBX in the PBXHub Server is insufficient.
7000084 CLOUD_PBX_CURRENT_STATUS_NOT_ALLOW_OPERATE Not allowed to operate the Cloud PBX under the current status.


Table 4.
Error Code Error Message Description
8000003 INSUFFICIENT_HOSTING_PACKAGE_CAPACITY The capacity of the subscribed hosting package is insufficient.
8000011 HOSTING_PACKAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND The subscription of the hosting package is not found.
8000014 REACHED_MAX_LIMIT The number of Cloud PBXs in a trial hosting package has reached the maximum limit.
8000017 SUBSCRIPTION_DEVICE_NOT_EXISTS The relation of the hosting package and the Cloud PBX is not found.
8000018 REACHED_MAX_EXTENSION_LIMIT The number of extensions reaches the maximum limit.
8000019 REACHED_MINIMUM_EXTENSION_LIMIT The number of extensions is lower than the minimum limit.
8000020 NOT_ALLOW_REDUCE_CAPACITY Not allowed to reduce the capacity.
18000011 SUBSCRIBE_PACKAGE_EXPIRED The subscription package has expired.


Table 5.
Error Code Error Message Description
9000001 REGION_NOT_FOUND The region is not found.
9000003 CLUSTER_NOT_EXISTS The server is not found.
9000012 DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND The domain name is not found.


Table 6.
Error Code Error Message Description
12000001 BLOCKED_10_MINUTES The IP is blocked for 10 minutes.
12000002 BLOCKED_30_MINUTES The IP is blocked for 30 minutes.
12000003 BLOCKED_PERMANENTLY The IP is blocked permanently.


Table 7.
Error Code Error Message Description
13000001 FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND The firmware is not found.


Table 8.
Error Code Error Message Description
14000209 API_APPLICATION_ERROR The API application is not supported.
14000210 API_APPLICATION_UNAVAILABLE The API feature is disabled.