API Request Overview

In this topic, we introduce communication protocols, communication ports, and API request flow.

Communication protocols

Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX supports POST requests over HTTP and HTTPS protocol. A new TCP connection is established every time the application server sends an API request to the PBX.

Communication ports

The API communication port is the same as the web access port of PBX. By default, the communication ports are HTTPS 8088 and HTTP 80.

  • By default, Redirect from port 80 is enabled for HTTPS protocol on PBX. So the default ports are HTTPS 8088 and HTTP 80.
  • For communication security, we recommend that you use HTTPS protocol, and upload an HTTPS certificate made by Certificate Authority to the PBX.

API request flow

When the application server sends an API request to PBX, the application server acts as the client, and PBX acts as the server. The following figure shows the API request flow.