API Interfaces & Events Overview
In this topic, we provide Yeastar Cloud PBX API interfaces list and events list.
API authentication
API Endpoint | Description |
login | Get API token. |
token/refresh | Refresh API token. |
API Endpoint | Description |
deviceinfo/query | Query PBX information. |
logout | Disconnect the application server and Yeastar Cloud PBX API. |
API Endpoint | Description |
companycontacts/query | Query the detailed information about a company contact, multiple company contacts, or all company contacts. |
companycontacts/add | Add a company contact. |
companycontacts/update | Edit a company contact's information. |
companycontacts/delete | Delete a company contact. |
API Endpoint | Description |
extension/list | Query extension list. |
extension/query | Query the detailed settings of an extension, multiple extensions, or all extensions. |
extension/query_call | Query the call status of an extension, multiple extensions, or all extensions. |
extension/add | Add an extension. |
extension/update | Edit extension settings. |
extension/delete | Delete an extension. |
Extension Group
API Endpoint | Description |
extensiongroup/query | Query extension group settings. |
extensiongroup/add | Add an extension group. |
extensiongroup/update | Edit extension group settings. |
extensiongroup/delete | Delete extension groups. |
API Endpoint | Description |
trunk/list | Query trunk list. |
trunk/query_siptrunk | Query the detailed settings of a SIP trunk, multiple SIP trunks, or all SIP trunks. |
trunk/add_siptrunk | Add a SIP trunk. |
trunk/update_siptrunk | Edit SIP trunk settings. |
trunk/delete_siptrunk | Delete a SIP trunk. |
Inbound Route
API Endpoint | Description |
inroute/query | Query the detailed settings of an inbound route, multiple inbound routes, or all inbound routes. |
inroute/add | Add an inbound route. |
inroute/update | Edit inbound route settings. |
inroute/delete | Delete an inbound route. |
Outbound Route
API Endpoint | Description |
outroute/query | Query the detailed settings of an outbound route, multiple outbound routes, or all outbound routes. |
outroute/add | Add an outbound route. |
outroute/update | Edit outbound route settings. |
outroute/delete | Delete an outbound route. |
API Endpoint | Description |
ivr/query | Query the detailed settings of an IVR, multiple IVRs, or all IVRs. |
ivr/update | Edit IVR settings. |
API Endpoint | Description |
queue/query | Query the detailed settings of a queue, multiple queues, or all queues. |
queue/update | Edit queue settings. |
queue/query_status | Query agent status in a queue. |
queue/add_dynamicagent | Dynamic agents log in a queue. |
queue/delete_dynamicagent | Dynamic agents log out of a queue. |
queue/pause_agent | Pause agents' service. |
queue/unpause_agent | Resume agents' service. |
API Endpoint | Description |
conference/query | Query the detailed settings of conferences that are created on the PBX web interface. |
instant_conference/query | Query the detailed settings of instant conferences. |
conference/query_in_session | Query the detailed settings of in-session conferences. |
instant_conference/start | Start an instant conference. |
conference/update | Edit settings of conferences that are created on the PBX web interface. |
conference/add_member | Invite members to join a conference. |
conference/kick_member | Kick members out of a conference. |
conference/mute_member | Mute conference members. |
conference/unmute_member | Unmute conference members. |
API Endpoint | Description |
voicemail/query | Query the voicemails of an extension, multiple extensions, or all extensions. |
voicemail/delete | Delete extension voicemails. |
voicemail/get_random | Get the random string to download a voicemail. |
CDR and recording
API Endpoint | Description |
recording/get_random | Get the random string to download a recording. |
cdr/get_random | Get the random string to download a CDR. |
API Endpoint | Description |
wakeupcall/create | Add a wake-up call. |
wakeupcall/query | Query a wake-up call. |
wakeupcall/update | Edit a wake-up call. |
wakeupcall/delete | Delete a wake-up call. |
Call control
API Endpoint | Description |
call/query | Query a specified call or query calls by call types. |
call/dial | Make a call. |
call/accept_inbound | Answer a call. |
call/refuse_inbound | Reject a call. |
call/listen | Monitor a call. |
call/hold | Hold a call. |
call/unhold | Resume a call. |
call/mute | Mute a call. |
call/unmute | Unmute a call. |
call/callpark | Park a call. |
call/callpark_status | Query call parking status. |
call/transfer | Call transfer (blind transfer). |
call/attended_transfer | Call transfer (attended transfer). |
call/add_member | During a call, invite a member to join the call. |
call/playprompt | Play audio files. |
paginggroup/hangup_music | Stop playing audio prompt to a paging group. |
uaCSTA Call Control
API Endpoint | Description |
uacstacall/accept_inbound | Accept an incoming call by uaCSTA control. |
uacstacall/refuse_inbound | Refuse an incoming call by uaCSTA control. |
uacstacall/hangup | Hang up a call by uaCSTA control. |
Events type
Event | Description |
BootUp | System bootup event. |
ConfigChange | Configuration change event. |
Invite |
If Control Inbound Call Accepting is enabled, PBX would send an Invite report to the application server when receiving an inbound call on PBX. The application server has 10 seconds to decide whether to answer the call or not. |
Incoming | If Control Inbound Call Accepting is enabled, PBX would send an Incoming
report to the application server when an inbound call to PBX is accepted. The
application server has 10 seconds to control destination of the incoming call. Note: The application server calls the call/transfer
interface to control the destination of inbound calls.
ExtensionStatus | Event of extension status change. |
CallStatus | Event of call status change. |
NewCdr | New CDR event. |
CallTransfer | Call transfer event. |
CallForward | Call forwarding event. |
CallFailed | Call failed event. |
DTMF | DTMF event. |
PlayPromptEnd | Event of prompt play end. |
satisfaction | Satisfaction survey event. |
ConferenceStatus | Event of conference members change. |
uacstacall | Event of uaCSTA call. |
QueueAgentRingNoAnswerTimeout | Queue agent ring timeout event. |
QueueAutoPause | Queue agent auto pause event. |